A 50/50 Toque Natural Toast/Quit blend that was suggested to me on snuffhouse when I asked about high nic toasts to help get me off the cigs. I like it. New favorite.
A 50/50 Toque Natural Toast/Quit blend that was suggested to me on snuffhouse when I asked about high nic toasts to help get me off the cigs. I like it. New favorite.
You only use snuff to get off cigs? Is it working?
No, I am using snuff and snus together. As to whether or not it works, ask me in two months.
In all seriousness, I have used just snuff to get off the cigs before. This time I am having a lot more trouble quitting. I am also having a lot more smoking related health issues (sinus infections, pneumonia, upper respiratory problems) so I am highly motivated to quit. I think that the double barreled approach of snus and snuff will work, but only time will tell. It's only been recently that I've found a favorite snus (Ettan los) that I can use every day. Wish me luck!
No, I am using snuff and snus together. As to whether or not it works, ask me in two months.
In all seriousness, I have used just snuff to get off the cigs before. This time I am having a lot more trouble quitting. I am also having a lot more smoking related health issues (sinus infections, pneumonia, upper respiratory problems) so I am highly motivated to quit. I think that the double barreled approach of snus and snuff will work, but only time will tell. It's only been recently that I've found a favorite snus (Ettan los) that I can use every day. Wish me luck!
I had no intention quitting cigarettes, and loved smoking - but then I started snusing, and got less and less interested in smoking. Here I am 3 years later, still smoke-free (I may have an odd cigarette here and there when drunk though... but nowadays it's extremely rare), with no urge to smoke cigarettes what so ever. With your combination of snuff and snus, I'm sure that you will succeed in quitting. It's the easiest thing I've ever done. You're not giving up anything, just getting better health, better economy and a better conscience. With your smoking related health issues, what reasons do you really have to keep smoking? You will make it, I promise!
Good choice on your favorite snus. That's one of my favorites as well! Best of Luck Daniel!
God made two kinds of dogs in this world. You are either a lap dog or a scent hound.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Nasal Snuff. I hope you will find this Guide both helpful and informative. I have tried to pool together information and resources that I have collected over my time using snuff so that you can have them all in one place. ...
Was going through a few nasal snuff threads and really didn't see a lot of newb questions so thought I'd start this and post a few of my own newb questions!...
I'll start with Dholakia White. This is absurdly fine. I can sniff a scotch or a toast all day without any complaints but this snuff is finer than dust....