Toque Absinthe... It BURNS. I don't think I'm doing this snuff thing right..
Nope its horrible thats why it burns! It is very fine which is why it burns, coarser snuffs don't burn as much, you get used to it, I would use a moist or coarse snuff first then go to finer grinds as then you build up a lining of snuff in your nose so it takes the edge off the burn. If I take a fine ginds snuff first thing it makes my eyes water lol.
Nope its horrible thats why it burns! It is very fine which is why it burns, coarser snuffs don't burn as much, you get used to it, I would use a moist or coarse snuff first then go to finer grinds as then you build up a lining of snuff in your nose so it takes the edge off the burn. If I take a fine ginds snuff first thing it makes my eyes water lol.
What!? This might be the best Toque after blueberry I did'nt get a nose burn from it but everyone's nose is different.
Toque Lime Toast.. I am pretty sure I am using way too much of this stuff... I don't feel anything spectacular. Just coughing, watery eyes, and a burning nose...