Easiest snuff to take

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  • CivilizedRedneck
    • Jul 2009
    • 95

    Easiest snuff to take

    As i am exploring my new found snuff hobby(well 3 months now) i find that some snuffs are far easier to take than others. I understand the general logic that coarser snuffs as well as moister snuffs are generally much easier to take, i was just wondering if any of you had some actual names that i could try and order in the future..

    Right now the easiest to me are the ozonas and some of the samual gawiths (like the princess dark). Most of the toque's i will admit, i havent given a fair shake.. I will have to revisit some of those..

    I think this thread would be great for those newbies that have nearly blown their heads off with a notoriously strong snuff(as i did with a giant bump of FUBAR grunt :shock: ) and help us ease into this snuffing business much easier!!
  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    I've only had two brands, Toque and Poschl, I find the Poschl to be way easier to take.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      I think the Poschls are easy, I also think the Toque is too, depending which one you have. I also think many of the Dholakia made snuffs are easy, like Swiss Chocolate. For me, the very light and fine grinds I find hard to snuff, like Scotch, this Sun Rangeeli, and Dholakia White. I think I might add them to my trade list, I went through my snuffs yesterday. I'll post a pic and update my exchange listing later.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Poschls may be easy but utterly useless for those people like me that can't stand mentholated snuffs.

        I think most, not all, of Toques are really easy.

        Toque Vanilla
        Toque Pomegranate
        Toque Coke

        All are especially easy


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          I love that mentholated feeling where your nose starts tingling!


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Whatever. For most people, all it will do is trigger a nasty snap back action and clog your nose.

            I DON'T like the feeling, thus won't use them. Ever again!!!!


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              I know I have had alot of nose clog problems, it's gotten better though.

              Maybe if you did just a very small amount not very often you could enjoy it?


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                I don't not do menthol because of nose issues, I don't do it because I simply don't like it.

                But I do keep bringing that issue up because many people have said they have tried snuff and couldn't do it because it stopped their nose up. In EVERY case, they were using mentholated snuff. That is just such a shame to me because non menthol snuff just won't stop you up at all.


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  I'm not so sure, as I would stop using methols when I was getting stopped up alot, and I would still get stopped up. It may just be me and my reaction, though I think the weather/season affect me too. Or it could be after affects of menthol use. I used mostly all menthol yesterday, and I had some slight cloggynes, but today, I've only used Bernards non menthol, but I am still having this some.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    From what I understand, the effects take a good time to clear. You used yesterday, you are still having issues today. From everything I have learned in 6 months, that isn't the snuff today doing it, just the after affects from yesterday


                    • Veganpunk
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 5381

                      Sage just doesn't like menthol. You don't care for minty snus either right.


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        Oh, I like mint snuff. I just ordered McChrystals Supermint.

                        What I don't like is super fine lightweight snuffs.

                        Snus... ok, I misread and thought it said snuff, yeah, generally speaking I don't much care for any flavored snus, wintergreen is tolerable.

                        But gawd, that Grov Svart... :x


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          Originally posted by Veganpunk
                          Sage just doesn't like menthol. You don't care for minty snus either right.
                          That is correct, although my dislike for menthol is on a different level. I just find it overpowering and destroys any good flavor I might get from snuff. And since flavor is really the only reason I do snuff, just don't get why folks want to ruin it with menthol.

                          Was never a huge fan of menthol cigarettes either, although learned to tolerate it my last few years of smoking.


                          • whalen
                            • May 2009
                            • 6593

                            I for one spent the entire month of September getting over a chronic clogging due to menthol, I had to stop them entirely before I could get back to normal, I have had no problems for three weeks since discontinuing the menthol, won't touch them now, and it was hard because I so love the Sparrow cool.
                            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              Thank you Whalen. I feel like I am the menthol Grinch sometimes, trying to tell folks THAT is what is causing their nose problems. Extra voices help. :wink:


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