Looking for some direction .. New 2 Snuff

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  • Sambooka
    New Member
    • Oct 2009
    • 5

    Looking for some direction .. New 2 Snuff

    Typically I smoke hookah but I have been experimenting with snuff for a couple months now and it has been nice on occasion, especially at work.

    I tried some Poschl Gawith Apricot and that made me tear up and I just loved it! .. I know I am new so the advanced snuffers may call me crazy for liking something like that? But I found it to be really easy to snuff and it lasts a long time. Walking outside after working .. my nose fills with a light apricot smell. I can't detect it as strongly inside as I can when I walk out into the Florida weather.

    I also liked the McChrystal Clove. I hear the Original is nice too? I have some but haven't tried it yet. Definitely going to try it when I get home tonight.

    I am definitely into wanting to try some more .. considering:
    - Ozona
    - Poschl President

    Any other recommendations for a beginner? I like menthol and spice ..

  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    The ones you are considering are right up your alley. I just got into snuff, and have only tried Poschl and Toque. Both are really good. But if you like menthol, Poschl is perfect for you. Welcome to snuson btw.


    • Sambooka
      New Member
      • Oct 2009
      • 5

      Thanks .. and Thanks for the Welcome!


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        I like menthols, even if my nose doesn't at times, and I like non menthol too.

        I think nice easy non menthols are the non menthol Toques, and also the Wow! Blast, and Temptation are easy and generally tasty.

        The Rockit and Fubar lines are very good too.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Fubar will destroy someone new to snuff, at least Grunt will, not for a newbie!!!

          Sambooka, all of the Toque snuffs are great for someone new, usually my recommendation every time. But if you are into Menthols, the Poschl's are really easy to take. Their flavors I hear are a bit one dimensional but that shouldn't be a big issue when you are new. Also check out Wilsons, they make some good menthol snuff I hear.

          But, to be a bit of a broken record but since you are new....

          If you find your nose starts getting stopped up, please, please don't assume that is just because you are using snuff and give up. That ONLY happens if you are using mentholated snuff, the menthol often causes that kind of reaction.


          • daruckis
            • Jul 2009
            • 2277

            Originally posted by sagedil
            Fubar will destroy someone new to snuff, at least Grunt will, not for a newbie!!!

            Sambooka, all of the Toque snuffs are great for someone new, usually my recommendation every time. But if you are into Menthols, the Poschl's are really easy to take. Their flavors I hear are a bit one dimensional but that shouldn't be a big issue when you are new. Also check out Wilsons, they make some good menthol snuff I hear.

            But, to be a bit of a broken record but since you are new....

            If you find your nose starts getting stopped up, please, please don't assume that is just because you are using snuff and give up. That ONLY happens if you are using mentholated snuff, the menthol often causes that kind of reaction.
            not necessarily. my nose gets stuffed up from non menthol snuff fairly often.


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              Mine too, but maybe it's a lingering effect from Tony Montanaing menthols for so long, or maybe the paraffin wax has an effect too?


              • TBD
                • Jul 2008
                • 817

                Originally posted by daruckis
                Originally posted by sagedil
                That ONLY happens if you are using mentholated snuff, the menthol often causes that kind of reaction.
                not necessarily. my nose gets stuffed up from non menthol snuff fairly often.
                I agree I've had non menthols stop me up something ferocious. Nothing a good blow didn't fix, mainly floral snuff. I know that's mostly just my nose. Not everyone reacts the same to all snuffs.


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  TBD, I am not talking about a momentary clog. Of course, anything can don that, and as you said, a good blow takes care of that. But stuffiness cause by menthols is very different, can last for days, and blowing doesn't do anything


                  • TBD
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 817

                    Well, I don't use enough menthol to ever have experienced that. I use menthols once or twice a day. I use it to get things flowing and clean out all the build up from the day.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      Very wise my friend.


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Toque is what I heard recommended when I first started, and it was a great suggestion. It's very easy to take, large variety, and a side note - it's a great company, one of the reasons I keep going back is not just the product, but the people.


                        • Toque Snuff
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 337

                          Thanks Chadizzy.


                          • desirexe
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 1170

                            Re: Looking for some direction .. New 2 Snuff

                            Originally posted by Sambooka

                            I also liked the McChrystal Clove. I hear the Original is nice too? I have some but haven't tried it yet. Definitely going to try it when I get home tonight.

                            I am definitely into wanting to try some more .. considering:
                            - Ozona
                            - Poschl President

                            Any other recommendations for a beginner? I like menthol and spice ..

                            I like clove snuff every once in a while. However another 'spice' snuff that I use daily is Toque Xmas pudding. Tis' the season and the perfect time to give this a whirl. Another great newbie snuff is Ozona - fresh, fruity, lightly mentholated and easy to take! I started snuff with Ozona Raspberry.


                            • CivilizedRedneck
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 95

                              For a menthol loving newbie the McChrystals Original and Genuine IS A MUST!! I mistakenly bout the 25 gram tin and actually have used most of it up.. Very good but not overpowering menthol and you can definitely taste the underlying tobacco flavor as well.. Easy to take and verrrrrrryyyyyy tasty

                              And i will toss my .02 in.. menthol has never stopped me up.. but my years in the pharmacy have taught me the fact that some people react badly to menthol.. BUT a good majority of folks do not as well.. So.. my advice, find out if it bugs ya, if it does, its up to you.. If it dont, snuff away!!

                              Your on the right track though, gawith apricot just after walking outside in cool air is heaven!!


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