One other suggestion.
Give up everything else, and go back to dip for a month or two. Make sure you have spitters everywhere, and I mean everywhere. And always forget to empty them out. Take every opportunity to use it in front of her.
When she says something, just say you thought about it, and want to make her happy. So you are giving up that nasty snuff and snus and going back to what you were using when she first chose you as she obviously must prefer the dip to the rest. When she starts to sputter, tell her to make a decision right then. Accept the dip without ever saying another word, or accept the alternatives, ANY alternatives you choose, and never say another word.
I don't know a single woman in the world that would choose that nasty habit over the 1000% cleaner snus and snuff habit.
How she reacts to something like that will clarify what she is really after.
All I know is I have finally found a woman who uses snus, snuff, AND smokes a pipe. Our time together is spent sharing what each other loves. Really, really nice. Plus she does things like give me beautiful pipes for Christmas. What more can a man ask for?? :wink:
Give up everything else, and go back to dip for a month or two. Make sure you have spitters everywhere, and I mean everywhere. And always forget to empty them out. Take every opportunity to use it in front of her.
When she says something, just say you thought about it, and want to make her happy. So you are giving up that nasty snuff and snus and going back to what you were using when she first chose you as she obviously must prefer the dip to the rest. When she starts to sputter, tell her to make a decision right then. Accept the dip without ever saying another word, or accept the alternatives, ANY alternatives you choose, and never say another word.
I don't know a single woman in the world that would choose that nasty habit over the 1000% cleaner snus and snuff habit.
How she reacts to something like that will clarify what she is really after.
All I know is I have finally found a woman who uses snus, snuff, AND smokes a pipe. Our time together is spent sharing what each other loves. Really, really nice. Plus she does things like give me beautiful pipes for Christmas. What more can a man ask for?? :wink: