ive read that nasal sprays work...i was wondering if in the absence of a nasal spray and in a shortage of tissue...would contact solution be an alternative?
nose cleaning..
Originally posted by texasmade:lol: it would still be a bit weird to explain to the girlfriend why i am squirting contact solution up my nose if she were ever to walk in
I just clean my nose out when I take a shower. If that's not enough, saline nose spray should do the trick. I wouldn't use contact lens solution, they have chemicals in them to sterilize the lens. The saline sprays are pretty cheap. Also get a snuff hanky and keep it in your pocket, then you won't have to worry about tissues.
Originally posted by Big LI wouldn't use contact lens solution, they have chemicals in them to sterilize the lens.
Re: nose cleaning..
Originally posted by texasmadeive read that nasal sprays work...i was wondering if in the absence of a nasal spray and in a shortage of tissue...would contact solution be an alternative?