Schmalzler Questions

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  • Monkey
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 3290

    Schmalzler Questions

    I just got my new order of snuff today and got a Bernard's schmalzler to try in it.
    I think it tastes like figs or dates and is delicious. I was under the assumption they had menthol in them from some descriptions of schmalzlers.
    I usually snuff FUBAR grunt, medic and r'n'r and have lots of experience with American scotches and sweets. I like Toque's selections I've had and the Wilson's and McChrystals I've tried. They have all been fine and drier than the Bernard's.
    This is the heaviest snuff I've ever had and I think that's what's putting me off.
    I'm not sure if I'm expalining it well enough but seems like its the moisture content or "clumpiness factor" that I'm not a fan of. I cut a little of it with some Toque menthol and that seems to help but the nose feel is killing me when the menthol wears off.
    Are they all so heavy?
    Anyone have a suggestion for a "lighter" (drier?) schmalzler or is the consistency the draw? Or is the style schmalzler and are the flavors different?
    Is this a water based vs oil based issue for me? I read something about that on another thread but I don't remember which one it was and am not knowledgable at all on production differences of brands.
  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    try leaving the tin open for a few hours to dry out somewhat. I personally don't like moist nasal snuffs.
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • shikitohno
      • Jul 2009
      • 1156

      Schmalzlers as a style of snuff, in my experience, are typically moist, coarse to medium ground, and range from plain tobacco to fruity smelling, with most leaning towards the fruity. Zweifacher, Amostrinha, Alt-Bayerischer, and Jubiläums 275 Jahre are all mentholated. Still, that's generally how they're "supposed" to be. Coarse, light and fluffy is how I'd describe them. You could try going for the Civette Extrafein, Pariser Nº 2 or Pöschl Perlesreuter Schmalzler for finer ground stuff, but they're still going to tend to be on the moist and clumpy side. I believe that's been chalked up to paraffin oil being used to retain moisture on Snuffhouse, but it's currently down, so I can't check that for you. Still, perhaps now's not the time for you to take schmalzlers. If it still bugs you, try taking less or give it a break and come back to them in a month or two.

      Of course, if you absolutely can't stand them, I could take care of them for you... :lol:

      Edit: The paraffin oil thing only definitively applies to Pöschl schmalzlers. I'm pretty much 99% sure Pöschl uses it, but maybe around 75% on Bernards using it.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by shikitohno
        Schmalzlers as a style of snuff, in my experience, are typically moist, coarse to medium ground, and range from plain tobacco to fruity smelling, with most leaning towards the fruity.
        This is the definition of schmalzler. If it doesn't look like the above, it's either not a schmalzler, or it's too old. Schmalz means lard, which comes from the time they used lard as the oiling ingredient. AFAIK, all the companies use paraffin as the oil these days.


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          Thank you for the info.
          Looks like I'm staying away from any schmalzlers in the future. It feels like my nose is coated and I don't like the feel of it in there.
          Do any other snuffs use the parrifin oil or is it mostly a german schmalzler thing?



          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by Monkey
            Thank you for the info.
            Looks like I'm staying away from any schmalzlers in the future. It feels like my nose is coated and I don't like the feel of it in there.
            Do any other snuffs use the parrifin oil or is it mostly a german schmalzler thing?

            AFAIK, only the German brands use oil. The moist English snuffs use water(or something else light). Roderick might have some insight as to what the English companies use.


            • shikitohno
              • Jul 2009
              • 1156

              I think some have complained of other Pöschls using paraffin oil, particularly the menthols. The President, Packard's Club and Gawith Apricot they do come up on Snuffhouse from time to time with complaints of such. Going solely off your description of the flavour, I'm guessing you've probably got the Klostermischung from Bernard's, although there's a good chance I'm wrong. If I'm right, that's really the finer end of the schmalzler grind spectrum, and it's actually kind of dry compared to some of them. I'd say don't write them all off based on one sample though. Put what you have away in a drawer, and come back to it later, although it'll probably go bad quicker then most snuffs. But also try out something else, as the schmalzlers are nicely varied bunch for flavours.

              If it's the nose feel that bothers you, I'd say just use small doses. No bigger than an appleseed for each nostril, and that should help alleviate the feeling that your nose is lined with snuff. Otherwise, you're missing out on some truly delicious snuffs. Of course, that means there's more for me!


              • RRK
                • Sep 2009
                • 926

                I find the schmalzlers kind of melt in the nose and I enjoy the texture but it is a totally different experience then any other snuff I have tried. To me if I use one snuff all the time it loses its flavor and interest so variety is key.


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  Maybe put in on a plate, and let it dry some, and take a knife and chop it up? I have not any schmalzers, I do have a Klostermishung, but was told that's not a schmalzer, I also have another Bernards, Alt Archenback, something like that, and I don't think it's a schmalzer, I know I am misspelling that too.


                  • Monkey
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 3290

                    Its the aecht altbayerischer schmalzler.
                    I may revisit the schmalzler style in the future but I really don't like the feel. I'm almost sad as the flavor is fantastic, but I've always had issues with oily textures that coat and this extends to my schnozz.
                    Is it correct to assume that since it is an oil base, even if I dry it out the oil and feel of oil will still be present in it even though the water moisture evaporated?


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      Originally posted by Monkey
                      Its the aecht altbayerischer schmalzler.
                      I may revisit the schmalzler style in the future but I really don't like the feel. I'm almost sad as the flavor is fantastic, but I've always had issues with oily textures that coat and this extends to my schnozz.
                      Is it correct to assume that since it is an oil base, even if I dry it out the oil and feel of oil will still be present in it even though the water moisture evaporated?
                      It's hard to say. I've had some that I let sit too long, and it has a different nose feel, but I don't know if it feels less oily or not. I don't like old schmalzler as well as fresh, but I like the nose feel of the fresh stuff. Give it a try and see. You aren't happy with it now, so you have nothing to lose.


                      • Monkey
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 3290

                        I have a small bit drying out now so I shall see how it hits me.
                        On a side note, as I wait I've been hitting the SG Kendall Brown I ordered. Wow. Old leather and books. I like it. Makes me want to have a port and put on my robe.


                        • daruckis
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 2277

                          sounds kind of like the issues im having with f&t santo domingo. its not a german, but its very coarse and heavy, thus i can hardly get it into my nose some days. my right nostrils always essentially worthless, i can only snuff with it by pinching and literally holding it inside my nose and sniffing fairly hard (except with toasts) or actually rubbing it inside my nose, but that doesnt work well with the santo domingo. my left nostril i can take things from the back of my hand and whatnot, but sometimes with the santo domingo i try to take a bump, wait a second, realize i barely got any of it, and that most of it took a detour into my mustache.


                          • RRK
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 926

                            Originally posted by daruckis
                            most of it took a detour into my mustache.
                            My mustache actually saves me a little snuff. If I notice a dusting on my stache I just kinda pucker my lips and sniff the leftover.


                            • Scuba Steve
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 77

                              I received four of the Bernards on my lastest order. I'm really digging the Zwiefacher right now. Although, I too sometimes suffer from the snuff stache.


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