I'm a mid-day toque'er

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  • Tobakssmak
    • Jan 2010
    • 263

    I'm a mid-day toque'er

    ... I'm a joker, I'm an ex-smoker...

    With all the talk about snuff around here, I decided to try it. My assortment of bullets just arrived here at the office, direct from Toque central.

    So, of course I had to take a hit immediately (while still holding on to the Claq Qui portion that's been in for about an hour).

    Anyway, it wasn't at all unpleasant like I was expecting. I was expecting my first attempt to be a harsh, sneezing, coughing experience, but it wasn't like that at all. Of course, I had the benefit of all the good advise here and on snuffhouse, sniff don't snort, etc.

    My first flavor was blueberry, and I am amazed at how it really did taste like blueberries, even though my tongue had nothing to say about it. It's like getting blueberry flavor injected directly into my brain. I dunno, I can't really describe it, but it was good.

    I think this will be the magic bullet (pun intended) to get me over the last few daily cigs. We'll see how it goes after dinner tonight...

    ps. for the curious, here are the flavors I ordered:
    SP Extra
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I stay away from fruit snuffs, so I haven't had most of the ones you got. The SP Extra is a new and firm favorite of mine though. Enjoy your new snuff experience. There's tons more to go through if you end up really liking it :^)


    • sheilalynn
      • May 2009
      • 1103

      I haven't tried the Lavender, but I've had all the others you bought and you'll like them. Pomegranate is the tops with me! I also really like the Quit and Raspberry ones. I sense a future order being placed by you :wink: You should definitely try the 10 for 9 deal that they have going all the time. Easy way to try out them all since a few are really surprisingly good even though you might pass them over at first. Not much into florals, but I have tried the rose and it wasn't too perfumy for me so it does get used occasionally. I'm definitely more into the fruity ones though.

      Some others that I'd suggest are the St Clements, Spanish Gem, and the Toast & Marmalade (which is a finer, drier snuff). Can't go wrong with any of the Toque snuffs, that's for sure! If you'd like to try some mentholated snuffs, the raspberry menthol and blueberry menthol are really good and not overly-tingly.


      • N0mad
        • Nov 2009
        • 550

        RobS I'm with you man, just got some Togue last week and love the Raspberry Menthol sooooo I order more fruity flavors. My snus of choice by the way is General Extra Sterk Lös. I also have some Pöschl snuff but just can't keep my nose out of the Togue.


        • Fury
          • Nov 2009
          • 205

          I'm fairly new too snuff and not to into the fruit flavors. But you really have to try Toque Whisky & Honey (AWESOME) and Spanish Gem, they are really good. I have some NTSU black coming soon because I heard it was really high in nic, and I'm a nic junkie. But from all the descriptions of it I belive I will be snuffing something that smells like cowshit/cat litter box/grandmas snatch. :?


          • adm
            • Oct 2009
            • 240

            I love the Toque Spanish Gem - and also the Berwick Brown. Grapefruit is good too - although a little harsher. I'm yet to try any of their other fruit flavours.

            If you like Raspberry Menthol types, then the Poschl Ozona Raspberry is excellent as well.

            A great thing about snuff though, is that it's so damn cheap and portable!


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Re: I'm a mid-day toque'er

              Originally posted by RobS
              and I am amazed at how it really did taste like blueberries,
              Bingo. We have a winner. Why I love snuff. get some Whiskey and Honey to balance out those fruit flavors next time. Coke is real good (and super easy) too.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Tom Petty ftw!!

                Also, menthol toque is my fav.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Re: I'm a mid-day toque'er

                  Originally posted by sagedil
                  Coke is real good (and super easy) too.


                  • Monkey
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 3290

                    Originally posted by sgreger1
                    Steve Miller Band ftw!!

                    Also, menthol toque is my fav.



                    • Tobakssmak
                      • Jan 2010
                      • 263

                      Originally posted by Monkey
                      Originally posted by sgreger1
                      Steve Miller Band ftw!!

                      Also, menthol toque is my fav.

                      Oh, you beat me to it. Though I think Tom Petty did a cover at some point. I like Tom Petty too.

                      But, for your enjoyment, in case you've never heard it:

                      About the snuff, yeah, I see another order in my future too. The toast & marmalade, and whiskey/honey both sound good, as well as the others mentioned. Thanks for the recomendations.

                      Unlike my snus habit though, I'm going to force my self to finish some of this off before I place another order. I've already accumulated over 100 cans of snus. :shock:

                      btw, since my last post, I've tried the SP Extra. It made my eyes buldge out of my head, but once I recovered, I thought it was good. It was funny, a gal walked into my office about 10 seconds after I took the hit, and she was like "Are you okay?".



                      • TBD
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 817

                        Re: I'm a mid-day toque'er

                        Originally posted by RobS

                        I think this will be the magic bullet (pun intended) to get me over the last few daily cigs.
                        Snuff was what did it for me. I got down to 2-3 smokes a day with snus. First thing in the morning and meals were the hardest. Snuff pushed me completely away from the smokes. I still crave a smoke after sex, but two smokes a month won't kill me. ops:


                        • Monkey
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 3290

                          My favorite Toque is the Menthol. The only Toques i was not a fan of were cheese and bacon and espresso. I've never had any of toque's fruit flavors as I'm not big on the fruit flavors myself (I should try pomegranite next order tho, many praise from many snuffers).

                          I have had McChrystal's apricot and THAT was a whole lotta apricot. Same with FUBAR R&R (apricot menthol) More fruit than I wanted both times. The Ozonas are good too, fruity, generally moister than toque (parrifin oil), and mentholated.

                          I prefer menthol.



                          • LHB
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 115

                            Re: I'm a mid-day toque'er

                            Originally posted by TBD
                            Originally posted by RobS

                            I think this will be the magic bullet (pun intended) to get me over the last few daily cigs.
                            Snuff was what did it for me. I got down to 2-3 smokes a day with snus. First thing in the morning and meals were the hardest. Snuff pushed me completely away from the smokes. I still crave a smoke after sex, but two smokes a month won't kill me. ops:
                            Don't feel bad. If I confined myself to only smoking after sex, I would have quit years ago.


                            • LaZeR
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 3994

                              Re: I'm a mid-day toque'er

                              Originally posted by LHB
                              Don't feel bad. If I confined myself to only smoking after sex, I would have quit years ago.


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