Make a little button on your website that places an order for every single one of your different kinds of snuffs in one order. Both as 10g and 25g.
I'd like to order one of each of your ENTIRE stock but don't want to go and order 1 by 1. Plus you got a 10 for 9 deal and a 6 for 5. What kind of deal would ya give for a "All for (inside price)" deal???
C'mon.... do it. Please? Others might like it! C'mon!
I'd like to order one of each of your ENTIRE stock but don't want to go and order 1 by 1. Plus you got a 10 for 9 deal and a 6 for 5. What kind of deal would ya give for a "All for (inside price)" deal???
C'mon.... do it. Please? Others might like it! C'mon!