I found Dutch nasal snuff

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  • Craig de Tering
    • Nov 2006
    • 525

    I found Dutch nasal snuff

    Hell, I didn't know we still had our very own producer of nasal snuff here in Holland (near Rotterdam). They even have a webshop but beware that they haven't redesigned the website since like 1996 or so and it uses Java for navigation although it's been updated in September.


    They have 7 different varieties.
    It's made me really curious so I'll be gettin' me some just for shits 'n giggles.
  • Lauritzen
    • Nov 2007
    • 30

    Quick question for you: How is snuff, snus, other tobacco products generally received in Holland? Are they popular? Are you a fringe minority?


    • Smarvy
      • Nov 2007
      • 86

      The De Kralingse snuffs are all very high quality. Many of the varieties use latakia for a base, which is almost unheard of in nasal snuff, and provide for a very different flavor (even though I don't care for it very much). The other nifty thing about the snuffs is that they are all produced from old traditional recipes from the 1800's. Mr. Bess just started producing some new snuffs using virginia tobacco as a base, so if latakia doesn't appeal to you, these are worth a try. I used to be very heavily into nasal snuff, and that's actually how I stumbled onto snus. These guys were one of my favorites, and the price is unbeatable, expecially if you order directly from them. I think 25 grams of snuff was something like $2. You'll pay $3.50 for 8.75 grams of McChrystal's.

      If anyone here in the States is interested in trying these snuffs, I used to order them (and most of my other snuffs) from marscigars.com. They are a great webshop, with a great selection and great service; I just wish they carried the 5 Swedish-Match snus's distributed here in the states. Maybe I should send them an email.

      There is an excellent web-forum devoted to nasal snuff at snuffhouse.org if anyone is interested in learning more about this form of tobacco enjoyment.

      I have noticed some hostility towards posters suspected of unabashedly and anonymously advertising for their businesses here on snuson.com, so let me say, although I find it somewhat distasteful to feel I need to defend myself preemptively, that I am in no way affiliated professionally with either of these two businesses. I'm simply a tobacco enthusiast, that's all.


      • Craig de Tering
        • Nov 2006
        • 525

        Originally posted by Lauritzen
        Quick question for you: How is snuff, snus, other tobacco products generally received in Holland? Are they popular? Are you a fringe minority?
        Nothing spectacular actually.
        Smoking has become something I almost don't see anymore and other tobacco use is negligible.


        • brendo20
          • Mar 2007
          • 46

          So Holland isn't the cigarette/cannabis addicted country that many people seem to think?


          • databat
            • Dec 2007
            • 66

            I've never used nasal snuff before, though I am curious about it, but reluctant. I have asthma, and moderate-severe allergies.

            How much of it do you sniff in one dose? Does it burn? Does it give a nicotine buzz? What kind of health risks does it pose? I'm fairly certain here in the states all the nasal snuff is most likely fire cured which is another reason I haven't tried it. Do you have any links with informative info on this?


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              I don't know much about it, but one study I read listed two brands of American nasal snuff that had 45-65ppm TSNAs. This is compared to about 2.5ppm TSNAs for Swedish snus, and 4-7ppm TSNAs for American dip. That's a pretty big increase in cancer causing agents. That said, I want to give nasal snuff a try again. I tried it when I was about 14, and I only did it once. It wasn't very pleasurable. I figure I'll give it another shot, and even if I don't like it, I'll have a cool tin to put on my mantel.


              • perique
                • Sep 2007
                • 75

                I have several flavors of their snuff, I'm currently using "Pompadour". It has a nice aroma of cloves.

                For those in the US, it's available at www.marscigars.com/

                Mars has a very nice assortment of snuff for those interested.



                • Craig de Tering
                  • Nov 2006
                  • 525

                  @ brendo20:
                  Not any more. It used to be a 45% smoker country (or some such very high number). Almost 1 in 2 smoked tobacco back in the 70's and 80's.

                  @ Databat:
                  I haven't ordered yet. As soon as I do I'll let y'all know.

                  @ lxskllr:
                  I seem to remember reading somewhere that in southern Germany and Austria where there's a long tradition of snuff use there's almost no documented occurrence of cancers due to the stuff. Could be due to anything else too though.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Look at this oldy I found.

                    I hadn't gotten into snuff yet when this was posted. Molen's snuffs rock. I particularly like the A/P. It smells like burning pine logs :^D That might not seem appealing, but it's a damned fine scent which isn't an all dayer for me, but one I really like having.

                    I haven't seen Craig for awhile. I wonder how he's doing....


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