am i that much of a sissy that i only like stuff like ozana raspberry and orange? well iguess i really havne't tried much else, i will be placing a big order this weekend. oh i also liked gawith apricot
+1 to any and all Bernards recommendations. everything they produce is tops. Bernard is the only snuff I bother to order anymore. these are all brilliant:
Bernard Brasil Doppelt Fermentiert
Bernard Weiss Blau
Bernard Gekachelter Virginie
Bernard Feiner Offenbacher Cardinal
Bernard Polar Prise
Bernard Feinster Kownoer
If you dig strong menthols try out Hedges L260 or McChrystal's English Menthol.
I just exchanged all of my snuff except my Hedges and WOW coffee bite. I am into just a few kinds of snuff daily so I didn't need all the different kinds to choose from. I have tried almost everything since the nasal snuff box pass and these are by far my favs.