I found some nasal snuff today in a local grocery store, so I bought 2 tins. Peach, and Tube Rose. They had 3 other brands there also, but I may save them for another time. It was an interesting experience. I had first tried snuff when I was about 14, and it burned the hell out of my nose, and I didn't get much flavor. This time it burned the hell out of my nose, but got a somewhat pleasing flavor in return. I'm still no sure what it tastes like through the nose, but when I put a little bit on my tongue it had a chocolate/caramel flavor, and was quite sweet. The cans are cool looking, and for $2.75 including tax it's a must try if you can find it locally. I don't think I'd go through the trouble of buying through the mail though. My sinus' still hurt a little :^D
Nasal Snuff
American nasal snuff's are notoriously hard to take, you might enjoy some of the British or European ones more. Most of those don't have nearly the burn that you get from the two varieties you tried, Ixskllr.
If you are interested, I used to buy all my nasal snuff from Marscigars.com. I especially enjoy the McChrystals Original and Genuine. Also, I would recommend the Fribourg and Treyer flavors, they are all quite distinct and high quality.
If you are to try Nasal Snuff the best place to get it is
Hands down, I have a fine collection from there. I also agree its a nice way to change up.
American dry snuff has more of that TSNA stuff than about anything else on the planet. That being said I really like it for the blow the top off your head off feel.
I think a far safer alternative for nasal snuff is to open a can of Ettan and let it dry out completely. Makes a great nasal snuff.
Another good nasal snuff forum is www.snufftalk.org
I've really always wanted to try this, but unfortunately my sinus cavity is basically destroyed after constant sickness in it for so long. I'm basically in constant pain most of the time at night from it. It causes major migraines as well. But do tell me what the effects of using it are compared to snus
This link is about the German compani who made snuff. Wait 2 minuts and you see some snuff info
I found Snus from one of the above mentioned Snuff forums.
I enjoy the menthol types (red bull, hedges L260, h r jones medicated no2) I also like fribourg&treyer princes, g smith & sons cafe royal)
They are all really cheap in the UK as so few people still use snuff, the government barely tax it.