2 Months in but....

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  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    Originally posted by Habs View Post
    the thought of cigarettes and smoke in my body totally grosses me out now. I can't ever remember why i smoked. it's not like it's easy to "taste" flavor in smoke, besides burning organic matter. snus tastes good and the flavor lasts.

    I haven't touched a cigarette in two years. I feel gross when i see cigarette displays in stores or see people holding cigarettes in their hands

    yea, the salty overtones went away after 1 week. It's nothing but the pure richness of Ettan, Grov and Bla now!
    Exactly the same story here - I simply don't believe that a person cannot give up on snus. It still seems to me to be too good to be true - but it IS true.


    • Rottenstain
      New Member
      • Oct 2009
      • 14

      Hello everyone again and thanks for your input/advice it is greatly appreciated !

      I got very drunk and you know the story. Now i've bought a try out box from Northerner, so looking forward to trying snus out ! Over the last few days, i realized that i don't want to give up nicotine, but wanted to give smoking tobacco all the time, nicotine makes me feel great and makes me feel complete as a person, to be honest i think everyone has a "vice" for most of society it is alcohol, some people it caffeine, for me it is nicotine and i am gonna stick up for what makes me feel great. In-fact it would do society better if people used nicotine instead of alcohol generally because alcohol is a depressant, but that for argument is for anthor time and place. Again thanks for the contributions and ill stick around to give advice to the next person who needs it



      • myuserid
        • Jun 2010
        • 1645

        After one week of snus'ing, I have cut my cig habit from a pack and a half a day to about 4 cigs.

        I'll eventually get rid of those too.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          Why is this thread in the Nasal snuff section?


          • Rottenstain
            New Member
            • Oct 2009
            • 14

            Originally posted by tom502 View Post
            Why is this thread in the Nasal snuff section?
            Don't know, i posted it in "other tobacco" section.


            • Langdell
              • Jun 2010
              • 255

              Originally posted by Rottenstain View Post
              I tried some normal general snus, which was satisfying but i didn't really like that salty taste in my mouth
              Give the General another try (or a few more tries) and you might be surprised to learn you like it after all. General was the first real Swedish snus I tried after having used the sweet American Camel version for a few weeks, and my first reaction was bleh, all I taste is salt and pepper, which was not really my thing. Later I came back to the General and was surprised to learn (1) I now really liked it and (2) I was tasting the other flavors in it, including the tobacco, and not just the saltiness. General(usually, original portion) is now my regular snus that I use most of the day. I do like to mix it up, usually with one or two portions a day of some other variety, but General is my staple go-to snus.

              And if you really do find that "The One Taste" of General is not the taste for you, there are plenty of other tastes out there to try. I have had similar experiences with other snusses--i.e., first time trying it not really liking it but changing my impression of it on the second or third try. It seems like a common experience with snus.


              • Rottenstain
                New Member
                • Oct 2009
                • 14

                Ok, so i got my box delight, here are some of the snus i have tryed so far:

                Goteborgs Rape White Large: It pretty decent snus, but for me it got to much of a sickly smell to it, also too much bitter salivate.

                Skruf Stark Portion: strong and i love the taste of this snus, will order some more cans of this stuff.

                Jakobssons ice fruit: the less said the better, very bitter which gets worst will every passing minute.

                Thunder Extra Stark Snus Forsted: Quite like it, very strong but the taste of peppermint overides the bitterness.


                • SnuserSnuffer
                  • Jul 2012
                  • 211

                  Quitting. Relapse.

                  Come on. That is lame sausages.

                  Tobacco is a preference, a habit.

                  There is no law by god.

                  Basically stop being anti's
                  To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


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