My first snuff experience

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  • PipenSnus
    • Apr 2010
    • 1038

    My first snuff experience

    My curiosity was getting the better of me, and I decided I couldn't wait for my online orders to arrive. So today on my lunch hour I walked over to my local B&M tobacconist (Kremer's Smoke Shop, for you locals). All they had were American scotches -- Bruton, Red Seal, and Garrett (both the regular and the sweet). I hadn't really intended for any of these to be my first brands to try. I was wary, having read that they were not for beginners. But I had intended to try them at some point, anyway, so I thought, what the hell? I bought a can of Red Seal and a can of Garrett Sweet.

    My work environment is pretty laid back. Mostly everyone is concentrating on their jobs and not paying any attention to anyone else, so when I got back to my desk, I figured I could discreetly try a couple of small sniffs. Did pretty well, too, for being a raw newbie. I inhaled a little too deeply once, which caused me to cough a couple of times, but otherwise I was OK.

    I may change my mind further on down the road, but I don't think American scotches are going to be my first choice in snuffs. The Garrett tastes/smells OK (although it has a kick like a mule!), but I didn't care so much for the Red Seal. Primarily what I picked up from both brands was a hay-like smell, some smoky and malty notes, and an underlying sweetness.

    With the Garrett, the sweetness is more of a sorghum-like flavor, and it balances well with the other elements. The hay-like notes are fresh and clean, the smokiness is pleasant, and the malt only adds a grace note. Although it will probably take me a long time to finish the can, this is one I think I'll return to once in a while.

    With the Red Seal, the hay smells like it's been laying around in the barn too long and has gotten extremely musty and unpleasant. There's little smokiness, and far too much malt. The sweet notes smell/taste like a malt-flavored syrup. The worst part is, the musty hay smell lingers far too long and becomes cloying. The nicotine level is OK -- strong but not overwhelming -- but otherwise, this snuff is not my cup of tea at all. I'll probably put it up for trade, if anybody's interested.

    I'm glad I tried these, and that I found one keeper. But overall, I can't say that the aromas/flavors were ones I'm eager to seek out again. I have a feeling I'll like the European and Asian snuffs much more.
  • Darwin
    • Mar 2010
    • 1372

    My first was also the Garrett Sweet. I approached it like a rabid dog with so much cautionary advice on the forums but it's worked out okay. Teeny tiny sniffs to start with and gradually working it up to a more "normal" amount in a period of two weeks. I like. Might be a regular. Certainly wildly different from Toque, WoS, and Samuel Gawaith. Rather less--refined? Funny how the choice of a "regular" is so influenced by what you can just walk in and buy locally.


    • bipolarbear1968
      • Mar 2010
      • 1074

      at least you can compare them to Toque's Bourbon (lol)


      • PipenSnus
        • Apr 2010
        • 1038

        Originally posted by Darwin View Post
        My first was also the Garrett Sweet... Rather less--refined? Funny how the choice of a "regular" is so influenced by what you can just walk in and buy locally.
        Yes, it's distinctly rural. Not that there's anything wrong with that -- several of my favorite pipe tobaccos have a very rural feel to them. I have a feeling it might make a very good mixer, too.

        Nevertheless, I would have been more pleased if I'd also found a tap box of one of the Pöschl brands, but I suppose there's not much demand for European snuff around here.


        • Darwin
          • Mar 2010
          • 1372

          Not only low demand but the kid at the smoke-shop where I found the Garrett did not even know what it was. Thought it was some sort of Cope country cousin.


          • PipenSnus
            • Apr 2010
            • 1038

            Well, in a way it is a Cope country cousin. Most people that buy it probably dip it.


            • Darwin
              • Mar 2010
              • 1372

              Oh yeah big demand around here. The can of Mild Sweet I bought was the first one out of the box of a dozen. The kid said he'd worked there two years and it was the first can anyone had bought in that time. Glad the stuff has a long shelf life.


              • EricHill78
                • Jun 2010
                • 4253

                Awesome you took the plunge as I did. I haven't tried the American snuffs yet so thanks for the insight there. I've only tried the European snuffs and they are great. It's a nice treat that I'll probably keep for home use. In my office even with the bullet I ordered I'll look like i'm doing a quick shot of the lady white. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you posted that you placed a toque order as well. I think you'll be pleasanty suprised. What I really like about snuff is the quick nic hit and the experience as a whole. Plus like snus it's a whole lot safer than cigs. It's a win win.


                • PipenSnus
                  • Apr 2010
                  • 1038

                  Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
                  Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you posted that you placed a toque order as well. I think you'll be pleasanty suprised. What I really like about snuff is the quick nic hit and the experience as a whole.
                  No, you're not wrong. I placed an order with Toque and one with Mr. Snuff.

                  I agree about the quick nic hit and the experience. I just wasn't particularly taken with the scent/flavor of the American scotches. And I like doing something that has its roots in a more decorous and civilized era.

                  I think if you use the pinch method discreetly, it would appear to most people that you're merely casually wiping your nose. Most people are too self-absorbed to be observant, IMO.


                  • EricHill78
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 4253

                    Good point.. Let us know what you think once you get your order. I checked out the mr
                    snuff site they have a good variety there.
                    If you haven't checked out it's a forum
                    like this with a good amount of info.

                    Off topic goteborgs rape is one of my favorite snuses so far. I love it when I'm drinking. Not sure why though.


                    • PipenSnus
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 1038

                      Mr. Snuff just added a whole bunch of new products, including an extensive line of American snuffs -- both traditional American scotches and some American brands made in the European style.

                      Another slightly off-topic comment: It's funny the things you find when Web surfing. Sometimes it seems synchronicity is definitely at work. I just ran across an article that mentioned that famed sci-fi author Philip K. Dick was a fan of Dean Swift snuff.


                      • Toque Snuff
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 337


                        It sounds like you were unlucky and bought old stock.

                        As a snuff maker it may sound an odd thing to say about a competitor, but I have to confess a fondness for Garretts although the Garretts i'm using was made in 1936. I find snuff can age well, if kept in a humidor, it loses its flavour, but this is replaced by a mature tobacco, cedar, leather, old cigar aroma that I really like.

                        Can’t wait to hear what you think of Toque? Don’t forget when it’s really fresh the first thing you’ll smell is Ammonia, a natural by-product of fresh snuff. If this isn’t to your taste, just air it for a couple of hours and go back to it.


                        • PipenSnus
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 1038

                          Originally posted by Toque Snuff View Post

                          It sounds like you were unlucky and bought old stock.
                          Could be, Roderick. Of course there's no way to tell how long those cans were sitting on the tobacconist's shelf.

                          Originally posted by Toque Snuff
                          Can’t wait to hear what you think of Toque? Don’t forget when it’s really fresh the first thing you’ll smell is Ammonia, a natural by-product of fresh snuff. If this isn’t to your taste, just air it for a couple of hours and go back to it.
                          Being a pipe smoker, I'm accustomed to airing out tins of some pipe tobacco blends. Thankfully, it would appear that snuff airs much more quickly.

                          As highly regarded as your snuffs are, I'm sure I'll find a favorite or two among the ten tins I ordered. I'm very eager for my order to arrive so I can start sampling. Thanks for your feedback.

                          (added later) Oh, BTW, Roderick -- I'd love to sample anything you might create using ancient fragrances like sandal- & cedarwood, musk, and so forth. Yes, I know you've positioned Toque with an emphasis on modern flavors, but you also have a few traditional types. Wouldn't hurt to have a couple more.


                          • PipenSnus
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 1038

                            I figured out what to do with the Garrett, at least for the moment. I used to make my own incense, and I had a very old bottle of sandalwood powder, and a few more ingredients, sitting around. So I added some sandalwood and a tiny pinch of benzoin to about 2g of Garrett Sweet. Suits me much better now.

                            I don't know if the same trick will make the Red Seal palatable, though, after reading Roderick's comments about both cans probably being stale. I may just toss the Red Seal.


                            • LaZeR
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 3994

                              Get you some Toque and revisit the American Snuff(s) later on down the road and then throw some "Rooster" in...

                              Toque™ provides a much better balance and true flavor so you know what you're getting pretty much by the name. The American snuffs are a bit fine, heavy on the smoky-ness -somewhat overpowering for a nEwB- & quite heavy on the nic.


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