I have a lot of snuff some in 0.5lb drums as well but I waited too long to order more WoS Grand Cairo and WoS Crumbs of Comfort now I'm down to about 5 pinches each.
Dave, just received WoS Crumbs of Comfort and Crumbs of Comfort Xtra from you last week and some others as well. Next month I do want to pick up a half drum 250g of WoS Grand Cairo and a couple of your new SG snuffs.
They are there, he has a new option for Wilson's Bulk. Select Wilsons>> Bulk>> 260G or 450G and then from the drop down menu select your desired flavor. This is just what we needed for ordering bulk wilsons.
Good timing. I stumbled across the page yesterday and noticed it was all messed up. We sorted it, but the odd thing is that it does not list the flavors in strict alpha order. I think they are all there, but if you find one missing let me know so we can add it. Bear in mind it is a pre-order item, so it will hold up your whole order by about 2-3 biz days while we wait to get it in.
Bear in mind it is a pre-order item, so it will hold up your whole order by about 2-3 biz days while we wait to get it in.
Dave, this concept really makes the most sense from a business perspective, there is just no way for you to carry this kind of inventory. You've done great by me and I don't have a problem letting others know that.
Waiting a few extra days for a factory fresh drum shouldn't be a problem for most of us, my only regret; I didn't get a larger tin of the McChrystal's Mild Lemon from you on my last order.
Grand Cairo is good stuff. I am sure you will find a way to endure, and I am thoroughly enjoying the mental image of a man diving head first into a giant oil drum full of factory-fresh Wilson snuff that I seem to be getting from this conversation.
Grand Cairo is good stuff. I am sure you will find a way to endure, and I am thoroughly enjoying the mental image of a man diving head first into a giant oil drum full of factory-fresh Wilson snuff that I seem to be getting from this conversation.
Just the thought of it makes my eyes water and my nose run... err my feet smell and my nose run; well you get the idea.
So I was playing my PS2 last week, which I've had since the damn thing came out, when all of a sudden, whats that smell? I look, and there is white smoke...