I've often wondered how many SnusOn members are actually snuff users as well but don't take the time to come by and comment. I'm not a big poster as you can tell, hell after 10 months on this board I've only racked up 300+ post. I don't care much for other peoples politics or religious beliefs enough to comment on them as these things are so personal for each and everyone so I stay out of those areas.
I started using snus in April 2001 during a visit to Sweden (almost 10 years ago) so I tend not to comment much on its use or flavors as I just like a few of them.
My first snuff order was in February of this year I really like snuff so that's where my current interest lies also I use much less snus than I did in the past due to snuff.
Don't mean to ramble but hell I'm from Texas, long story short I would like to see more members at least drop by the Snuff Talk section and say howdy even if they don't have a lot of wind after a long day at work. After all sharing of common interest and positive experiences is what makes this place work.
I started using snus in April 2001 during a visit to Sweden (almost 10 years ago) so I tend not to comment much on its use or flavors as I just like a few of them.
My first snuff order was in February of this year I really like snuff so that's where my current interest lies also I use much less snus than I did in the past due to snuff.
Don't mean to ramble but hell I'm from Texas, long story short I would like to see more members at least drop by the Snuff Talk section and say howdy even if they don't have a lot of wind after a long day at work. After all sharing of common interest and positive experiences is what makes this place work.