Been wanting to try more Bernard snuffs but my usual outlet, snuffstore, has a very small selection. Never used snuffmeuk which has more Bernard product for sale. Anyone had any experience with them? Failing that can anyone recommend somewhere with a broad range of Bernard product for sale in the U.K, either a store in London or another online retailer?
Bernard snuff/Anyone used the snuff me uk online store?
Mr. Snuff has a pretty good selection of Bernards:
I've never ordered from SnuffMeUK, so I can't comment on them.
Haven't used that store, but I had a good experience with this one: They don't have a lot of Bernard snuffs, but they have a few.
Thanks all, Mr Snuff looks great, I had seen this site before but had assumed it was in the U.S as they had American Scotches. I had been informed by Snuffstore that you could not sell these in the U.K.
I have been keen to try Rooster for a while so will add that in to a sample of none mentholated Bernards. I have been using mostly Old Paris and Santo Domingo for the last few months with a morning blast of Hedges. Now I have the itch again to try something new. Thanks again.
the entire selection of Bernard and Poschl can be found at they ship worldwide and superfast. (I say this from experience) regards, marin
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