Bernard snuff/Anyone used the snuff me uk online store?

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  • khalid
    • Aug 2010
    • 348

    Bernard snuff/Anyone used the snuff me uk online store?

    Been wanting to try more Bernard snuffs but my usual outlet, snuffstore, has a very small selection. Never used snuffmeuk which has more Bernard product for sale. Anyone had any experience with them? Failing that can anyone recommend somewhere with a broad range of Bernard product for sale in the U.K, either a store in London or another online retailer?
  • PipenSnus
    • Apr 2010
    • 1038

    Mr. Snuff has a pretty good selection of Bernards:

    I've never ordered from SnuffMeUK, so I can't comment on them.


    • f. bandersnatch
      • Mar 2010
      • 725

      I have only ordered from snuffmeuk once, but I thought they were fine. I got my snuff in a week and it was all there/intact. I would recommend them, but I am sure that if you look hard enough you will be able to find somebody that had a bad experience.


      • dreed2
        • Jul 2010
        • 256

        Haven't used that store, but I had a good experience with this one: They don't have a lot of Bernard snuffs, but they have a few.


        • N0mad
          • Nov 2009
          • 550

          Mr. Snuff UK = Great Service + Large selection


          • khalid
            • Aug 2010
            • 348

            Thanks all, Mr Snuff looks great, I had seen this site before but had assumed it was in the U.S as they had American Scotches. I had been informed by Snuffstore that you could not sell these in the U.K.

            I have been keen to try Rooster for a while so will add that in to a sample of none mentholated Bernards. I have been using mostly Old Paris and Santo Domingo for the last few months with a morning blast of Hedges. Now I have the itch again to try something new. Thanks again.


            • starfox
              New Member
              • Jun 2012
              • 3

              the entire selection of Bernard and Poschl can be found at they ship worldwide and superfast. (I say this from experience) regards, marin


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