So I got three different Makla's. They're Belgian oral tobacco or something like that. It seems a bit like snus but tastes different. I got the Makla Ifrikia, Makla el Kantara and benthicou. Just tryed firstly the Makla el Kantara. It taste pretty good. It's like mentholated tobacco + some other maybe spearmint. It burns like 10 times more than a Swedish loose snus and I've heard it has more nicotine also. Haven't tryed those two others yet but I see that the benthicou smells absolutely terrible. I don't really bother to say how it smells but its awful. Makla ifrikia seems to smell ok like a snus or tobacco smell. I have to see how strong nicotine kick they have. Im just not sure how to actually use them but I try to use like a snus.
Finally got tryed some of the Makla products
Well, I think the Makla el kantara is nice. It tastes like a spearmint and also there's no flavored snus like this. It actually tastes like Taxi spearmint nasal snuff. It has kinda little cooling effect. The tobacco is light brown and a bit greyish. It's coarse grinded but bakes well. I don't understand how they say it's chewing tobacco because it doesn't feel like that. Overally it's good and tasty.
I found makla here in Dublin and decided to try it again. I've been using nasal snuff exclusively for a while and haven't really missed snus or any oral tobacco but when you find something new in your hometown, it's different.
Makla Ifrikia and Makla Bouhlel Bentchicou aka Rouge are available here at modest prize of 2.20€ per tin and stuff is so superstrong so small amount goes for a long time. I just pinch from the tin about same amount as for nasal snuff and tuck it under my lip.
Flavourwise Makla are not much to write home about but in my opinion, Red has more pleasant taste if you notice anything from the nic hit and I got used to mouthfeel quite quickly . Anyway, it's good to have alternatives around.
Found another Makla today, called Makla el hilal, which is an Algerian product. It is sold in simple 20g foil pouches. First impression is very good, texture is more like coarse snus, that might be due packaging,not paste like Sifaco maklas and more tobacco flavour with superb nic hit. Recommended!
Originally posted by AllanHI found makla here in Dublin and decided to try it again. I've been using nasal snuff exclusively for a while and haven't really missed snus or any oral tobacco but when you find something new in your hometown, it's different.
Makla Ifrikia and Makla Bouhlel Bentchicou aka Rouge are available here at modest prize of 2.20€ per tin and stuff is so superstrong so small amount goes for a long time. I just pinch from the tin about same amount as for nasal snuff and tuck it under my lip.
Flavourwise Makla are not much to write home about but in my opinion, Red has more pleasant taste if you notice anything from the nic hit and I got used to mouthfeel quite quickly . Anyway, it's good to have alternatives around.
which shop in Dublin have Makla? Have not been able to find it anywhere.
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