And not tomato... actual tobacco.
Whats the tobacco strain with the weakest nicotine levels?
I learned that the high WTAs coincide with high nicotine. Its a range. For example ( the only one i know) Rustica is very high in WTAs also in nicotine. You are looking for mild nicotine you will also find mild WTAs. The variety of tobacco determines the actual percentages and when its picked and all thet but it remains close to a 95% nic to 5% minor alkoloids. Nature wants to keep the synergistic relationship her way! I earned that recently from when i started the thread about Does High Nicotine Mean High WTAs? I wanted less nic and more WTAs! Of course....since they relax...cozy ahhh and good stuff.
No one should ever smoke Rustica, Just the Shamans! I would also comment on the WTA levels, but I still have no idea of what they are in relation to nicotine levels. It is a concept that I suspect has been magnified as a marketing tool. I understand that nicotine alone is not so desirable. But a gram of good burley tobacco has enough of whatever it takes to satisfy. Vaping e juice it seems allows for ingesting elevated amounts of whatever compounds that may be available in tobacco. This ability to amp up the effect is unexplored territory. I hope this works out well, I have concerns about this from a harm reduction standpoint. Time will "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!
What are we talking about here anyway? Ansel I thought wanted to Vaporize actual tobacco, right? Turkish is a good light nicotine.
And Fayool, you consume ejuice right? Who knows what they cook up in Chandler Arizona?
The natural tobacco is pretty well understood as to what characteristics it will exhibit. There are reams of data as to what tobacco contains "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!