Whats the tobacco strain with the weakest nicotine levels?

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  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    There are varieties from the main seed supplier I get my seeds from in the UK that are labeled as having low nicotine levels.

    Glaucia Tree tobacco and Salamena Blue are both under this category.

    If you're looking for something low in nicotine to try and vape using your iolite - I'd recommend getting some of the Viginia Flue Cured Bright Leaf that pureleaf.co.uk is offering. Pure virginia is fairly low in the nic department and smells like a butterscotch factory exploding in a new-mown hay-field in late summer. Should taste pretty good!

    EDIT: you'll need to dry it out quite well then grind it up first of course!

    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


    • whalen
      • May 2009
      • 6593

      I would second the Bright leaf for vaping, just enough nicotine and I can only imagine what it would taste like, but It should be really nice.
      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


      • Faylool
        • Dec 2012
        • 496

        Will someone please educate me about the iolite? Ive never heard of this. So I can vaporize whole tobacco leave organically grown and air dried and get my WTAs and nic? Im growing Rustic to make snus with and if it works, dries right I will want to try this Iolite thing. My my. Why vape e juice and expensive WTA if I can get what I want closer to natural??? Seriously. please explain this. How much it takes for average user tobacco?


        Is this a good explaination?
        How have missed this ???

        Whats the best unit. Other than iolite?


        • whalen
          • May 2009
          • 6593

          Faylool, I am familiar with the Iolite. Yes you can vaporize whole leaf tobacco and it is very affordable that way, since an entire pound of great tobacco can be had for under 20 dollars, and if you get a variety, you can mix it any way you want. Light Virginia's (sweet) or tasty strong Burleys.

          I have used one of these, but not with tobacco, This works extremely well and needs no battery. But it is very good at vaporizing substances, and I am afraid that Rustica would be way too strong for you to use as smoke. Rustica would turn you green and make two sterks of snus look tame! You could use what I think is one of the best blends available, a pipe tobacco, but it is really seven exquisitely cured Virginia tobaccos blended with no casing, as tasty as it gets, that would be this One.........http://pipesandcigars.com/pestbuviloo.html#.UY1QNMrGvc8

          This is killer tobacco! I am sure it would roll your socks up and down in a Iolite! Rolled up in a ciggie it was scrumptious. These are some of the best quality cured tobaccos money can buy, I still see it for 20 a pound now and then.

          I really think that vaping actual tobacco would get you as close as possible to what you are looking for, call it WTA or whatever, it is pure tobacco goodness!!!! I know my tobacco dear!
          wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


          • squeezyjohn
            • Jan 2008
            • 2497

            Fay - the iolite and other similar vapourizers are small, portable, butane gas or electric powered devices for inhaling the gases given off from your "favourite herbal blend!" when they are heated but not combusted.

            It's fairly clear that the whole thing was invented for users of the wacky-backy - the aim was to provide a delivery system much healthier than smoking it. The "herbs" need to be ground finely before it can work.

            As far as I can see it's not been marketed at tobacco users at all ... but I've always wanted to give it a go and never got around to it. I've always thought that burnt tobacco smoke has none of the depth of flavours and aromas that must be locked in all those amazing pipe blends. One day I WILL get my Pax Ploom - but they are being very stubborn in not selling to the UK.

            The major difference between vaping whole tobacco leaves and e-liquid is I imagine that the vapour given off from these devices would be pretty thin and not give the mouth feel and thick smoke-replacing vapour on the exhale. But given the long-term consequences of inhaling propylene glycol vapour have never been tested - I would feel a whole lot safer going down the route Ansel is suggesting than getting in to e-liquids and WTA liquids.

            Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


            • Ansel
              • Feb 2011
              • 3696

              Thanks guys. Well i have tried vaping just any old tobacco in the Iolite and i must admit it didn't taste too great... and you need a very small amount. I will try and experiment more now i have the information you guys have just told me.


              • Faylool
                • Dec 2012
                • 496

                So i just put my air dried Rustica in a coffe grinder and vape for product not plumes of vapor. No problem. It sounds like itll taste like tobacco, not my favorite, and work just like tobacco and deliver the goods to the mouth and nose like vapor rather than the lungs doing all that much absorbing. Correct me if im wrong and that there is a percentage of goods lost in the proocess and the hit is slow like vapor and lasts as long as you keep hitting it and soon gone after done like snuff or ciggies? Need to study up on the durability and maintenance of the iolite type devices and not spend too much. Electric sounds good. Butane sounds weird. Sounds hot! Ha ha. I guess it has to get very hot to withdraw the goods. Hmmmmmm i can figure this out. Any recommendations on a quality unit. It doesnt have to be pretty like all the vape stuff I have. Do they have a store that will let you try one? Ill see about that. Best to try it first. thank you. Ill take any name brands anyone want s to throw out there. Tried and true stuff not elite or expensive

                Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                Fay - the iolite and other similar vapourizers are small, portable, butane gas or electric powered devices for inhaling the gases given off from your "favourite herbal blend!" when they are heated but not combusted.

                It's fairly clear that the whole thing was invented for users of the wacky-backy - the aim was to provide a delivery system much healthier than smoking it. The "herbs" need to be ground finely before it can work.

                As far as I can see it's not been marketed at tobacco users at all ... but I've always wanted to give it a go and never got around to it. I've always thought that burnt tobacco smoke has none of the depth of flavours and aromas that must be locked in all those amazing pipe blends. One day I WILL get my Pax Ploom - but they are being very stubborn in not selling to the UK.

                The major difference between vaping whole tobacco leaves and e-liquid is I imagine that the vapour given off from these devices would be pretty thin and not give the mouth feel and thick smoke-replacing vapour on the exhale. But given the long-term consequences of inhaling propylene glycol vapour have never been tested - I would feel a whole lot safer going down the route Ansel is suggesting than getting in to e-liquids and WTA liquids.


                • Ansel
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 3696

                  Faylool why not get a Magic Flight Launch box if you do want to vape tobacco... £85 on Amazon... no gas like the iolite just batteries. fits in your pocket.


                  • Faylool
                    • Dec 2012
                    • 496

                    OK. I did just that since they had a special for $79.00 instead of $119.00 with 12 left instock one day only. Talk about pressure! I really thank you because I DO NOT want to get alll involved with the options AT ALL like with e cigs. One crazy hobby like that is plenty. This thing is just for my Rustica project and if it fails Ill buy air dried whole leaf online sometime. Will put this on the shelf until a few months down the line. thank you

                    Originally posted by Ansel
                    Faylool why not get a Magic Flight Launch box if you do want to vape tobacco... £85 on Amazon... no gas like the iolite just batteries. fits in your pocket.


                    • Ansel
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 3696

                      I can't promise you vaping tobacco is the way to go as i only tried it a couple of times as for me with my iolite it isn't practical with the amount of times i'd need to be topping it up with gas.


                      • tattooer601
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 942

                        One day Ansel, Im getting a iolite .
                        For wma's
                        Ansel do these vaporizers save the amount of tobacco or mmj?
                        I guess im asking does it save enough "product" to make the purchase worth it?


                        • Ansel
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 3696

                          Originally posted by tattooer601
                          One day Ansel, Im getting a iolite .
                          For wma's
                          Ansel do these vaporizers save the amount of tobacco or mmj?
                          I guess im asking does it save enough "product" to make the purchase worth it?
                          i wouldn't get an iolite if you plan to smoke tobacco in it, just for mmj... because you would have to keep recharging it full of gas... but if you only want to vape mmj get an iolite. for tobacco and/or mmj get a magic flight launch box.

                          it saves a bit of money with mmj but i tend to use more than smoking in pipe but less than mixing with tobacco in spliff.


                          • Ansel
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 3696

                            and yes they are well worth the money imo... but only if you are not smoking tobacco or smoking mmj. so with snus it's a great combination.


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