Has anyone ever tried the 'heat not burn' tobacco vaporisers before and what are your thoughts?
There seem to be 2 main systems -
1. IQOS by Philip Morris
2. Ploom by JTI
I doubt the harm reduction is as good as with snus but they look neat and would fill the gap between someone switching to snus and remaining on cigarettes which could help people at least off the combustables. Good flavour options too especially with Ploom. IQOS seems to lend more to the classic cigarette flavours.


There seem to be 2 main systems -
1. IQOS by Philip Morris
2. Ploom by JTI
I doubt the harm reduction is as good as with snus but they look neat and would fill the gap between someone switching to snus and remaining on cigarettes which could help people at least off the combustables. Good flavour options too especially with Ploom. IQOS seems to lend more to the classic cigarette flavours.