Clove options?

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    Clove options?


    Anyone else here like clove ciggs?
    I know they have been banned by our totalitarian regime.

    I also know Djarum redid theirs into a legal filtered cigar(cigarillo?).

    I bought a pack a little while back.

    I also saw they had one called Special, which I'll pick up next time.

    But, after not really finding what I am looking for in a google search, I thought maybe someone here might know.

    What are the legal clove options available in the US? Is it just these 2 Djarum products?
    I'm on a mini quest now.

    Now with PACT coming, my thought of trying to order some of the clove ciggs online, is seeming like not a good idea.

    Anyone here do that?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Try handrolling your own, and adding clove powder to the tobacco. I've never done that, but it should work. I used to put mint leaves in my cigarettes on occasion. It gives the tobacco a nice flavor.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      That might not be bad, but I don't think it'd be "the same". If you look at the interesting Djarum website, it has many photos of their history, they have a museum, and also it talks about how the ciggs are made, with a variety of other spices, in a sauce, along with cloves and tobacco.


      • texasmade
        • Jan 2009
        • 4159

        my local tobacco shop still carries plenty of clove brands just a tad bit more expensive than they once were


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          Are they the new(er) legal cigar(illos), or the older banned ciggs?


          • texasmade
            • Jan 2009
            • 4159

            they have the djarum "cigars" and then a stock of the older ones the last time i went about a month ago


            • WickedKitchen
              • Nov 2009
              • 2528

              mmmmm clove cigs are nice. From what I have heard those Djarum ones (excellent) are loaded w/ nicotine pretty high. I've never researched that to be fact, just hear say.

              For the amount of tobacco I smoke now I don't really care. Even if I had to pay $10 for a pack I'd still be Ok with it. I'd suspect that your local tobacco shop would still have them. They're a pretty popular item. Call them "spiced cigars" or something of the like and they'll probably get around the law.

              I have tried to sprinkle in ground cloves in RYO. It certainly smelled the same but the taste was not as good and I don't think I spread it evenly so it didn't burn correctly. Tasted Ok, but the commercially made ones were better IMO


              • PipenSnus
                • Apr 2010
                • 1038

                I'd suggest you try rolling or stuffing your own with pipe tobacco, as there aren't any restrictions on flavorings, but clove is not a popular flavor with pipers. I can't think of any blends that use it.


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  Well, the very low amount of smoking I do at all, I'll just get a pack of Djarum every now and then if I want.


                  • Trolltind
                    • May 2010
                    • 21

                    these were my first cigarettes actually. good stuff. i've only ever seen the specials and blacks available readily in NA. thought there's cherry ones, splash and a bunch others that take more hunting but they are around still i think.

                    i knew a guy that rolled his own cloves and it apparently took alot of experimenting to get the right consistency and amount of cloves to put in the RYO and have it turn out well. and then you get to pick the tobacco that goes in it

                    and last i checked they have about 2-4 times more of everything then the average full flavor cigarette


                    • Enzo_Guy
                      • Oct 2010
                      • 40

                      I smoke a pack Djarums once a month or so. Their Black series is very nice, my favorites being straight Black or Black Cherry. I can't smoke them every day or before I eat, the flavor is excellent but it feels like it glazes over my tongue. I've tried some hand-rolled cigarettes from my friends (never my own) but the Djarums are the second best I have ever smoked.

                      The best cigarette ever being Sobranie, but good luck finding those.


                      • Langdell
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 255

                        Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
                        I have tried to sprinkle in ground cloves in RYO. It certainly smelled the same but the taste was not as good and I don't think I spread it evenly so it didn't burn correctly. Tasted Ok, but the commercially made ones were better IMO
                        Years ago I tried the same thing with some pipe tobacco (inspired by a clove-cig-smoking friend) and had similar results, with the cloves not really burning correctly.


                        • STINKBOTO
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 76

                          I love me some Djarum Black good......about 5 bucks a pack where I live. I don't think they are much different from the old they really use cigar tobacco or what? No matter what they are still yummy!


                          • desirexe
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 1170

                            Perhaps this could work - buy the clove cigars, slice the cigar down one side, take the tobacco out and re-roll this tobacco into cig paper...I'm thinking of trying this with my cig filling machine and filtered tubes.


                            • STINKBOTO
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 76

                              that's a good idea but I think you will lose some flavor without the outer wrap they use.....they do smoke very well....I would never guess it wasnt a cigarette


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