The Tobacco Wagon

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  • bipolarbear1968
    • Mar 2010
    • 1074

    ratcheer, I know what you mean. My wife had a go at me for wanting to get some 1792 flake pipe tobacco.


    • PipenSnus
      • Apr 2010
      • 1038

      Originally posted by texasmade
      I was in kentucky last year and they had people smoking inside gas stations and stores. Surely this isn't the norm throughout the states, but there are a few places still like this
      You must have been in a fairly rural area. Louisville and Lexington have smoking bans.


      • WickedKitchen
        • Nov 2009
        • 2528

        Mrs. WickedKitchen is still in Ireland. I was hanging out with my brother and his wife last night just getting's been a long time since I've done that but it felt good. My taste buds are still off but only snus today and probably only snus for many days to come. I'm used to 7-10 snus per day and only one of them is usually sterk. I guess that's still plenty of quality time with Mr. N but I generally wouldn't feel good doing more than that. It worked last night so I went with it. I brought my Les Paul and loop pedal over as brother kitchen is a drummer...ha! I needed all that nicotine to level me out...

        it's 7:00 and I've had seven doses of nic today (Grov, Claq, RL los) back to normal. Probably 2 more before bed...that might come earlier than usual tonight.


        • Jimbob_Rebel
          • Jun 2010
          • 169

          I go through a can of snus/snuff per day,generally taking a dip every second or third waking hour. I'm using mainly Grov Los now but I still like a taste of Copenhagen and when I open a can of that I try to use it inside of a couple days or before it becomes too dry to enjoy. I'm thinking Cope packs a bit more nic than Grov as well.


          • justintempler
            • Nov 2008
            • 3090

            Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
            I fell off the wagon yesterday...big time.

            When I first started browsing tobacco forums I marveled at how much some people consumed. It was shocking really. Eventually I progressed into taking a pinch of snuff with a snus in from time to time but yesterday was just one of those days...

            Sterk snus in the morning - Claq Qui
            Copious amounts of Sam Gawith Sp No1 High Mill
            2 dips of Cope Whiskey Blend
            Regular portion before lunch - Grov
            Sterk after lunch - another Claq
            ...Then I started on the Bass Ale along with:
            2 cigarettes - Camel filters
            More Grov portions - no idea how many
            ...Switched to drinking Grey Goose gimlets after sundown...
            1 cigar - a short one...I don't know much about cigars but it was good
            1 prilla of Roda Los (nice combo to the gimlets)
            two little nuggets of Oliver Twist (By this time I don't think I could taste anything)

            That's SIX different types of tobacco (not counting the 3 types of snus). Oh my...what have I done? It was great though.

            I think that was the most tobacco I have ever consumed in one day. I don't think I'll be repeating that again but out of curiosity has anyone had a similar orgy with tobacco?

            What? All that tobacco and no pipe? You screwed up and will have to repeat next weekend,


            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
              • Dec 2008
              • 2781

              Originally posted by justintempler View Post
              What? All that tobacco and no pipe? You screwed up and will have to repeat next weekend,
              I agree, you gotta do a do-over on that one LOL. I suggest the 1792 that bipolar should buy, it's great and deadly...


              • Jwalker
                • May 2010
                • 1067

                Shut one night I think I smoked a black and mild, pipe tobacco, a couple cigarettes, dip, snus, and some chew. It doesn't make you feel good or anything. People who smoke more than a pack or maybe you could do 25-30 a day are chain smokers so smoke cigs back to back like 5-10 an hour they just wake up in the morning smoke like 5-10 cigs shower, smoke in their car, smoke on breaks at work, work at home, work in a job like construction where you can smoke whenever, smoke in the car on the way home, smoke at home, and very rarely go out. It would kind of suck because you wouldn't want to eat out or go to a movie because you can't smoke some people here used to have that as their life. Dip or snus you can use anywhere and people either assume you don't care about your health or don't know what it is.


                • WickedKitchen
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 2528

                  I don't think I could use dip anywhere. The spitting part is gross to me and I'm the one doing it. I can only imagine what is going through people's minds around me. I remember one time last fall I went to a local farm and was browsing the barn with my wife. It was like a gift shop or something and it was close quarters. I bumped into a guy holding a very small Styrofoam cup. I said "oops, sorry. I don't want to spill your cider" then I noticed it was not the color of the cider they were handing out "or whatever it is you're drinking." Immediately after I said it I noticed that the guy had a dip in. I just smiled and said "Yeah...definitely don't want to spill that all's happened to me." His wife was utterly disgusted. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. I felt bad for the guy 'cos he was probably made to feel bad for the incident or at least catch some sort of flack for it...and he didn't even do anything. There's just too much effort in dipping around town for me with the potential for spillage and the social stigma of it all. blah.


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