The Tobacco Wagon

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  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    The Tobacco Wagon

    I fell off the wagon yesterday...big time.

    When I first started browsing tobacco forums I marveled at how much some people consumed. It was shocking really. Eventually I progressed into taking a pinch of snuff with a snus in from time to time but yesterday was just one of those days...

    Sterk snus in the morning - Claq Qui
    Copious amounts of Sam Gawith Sp No1 High Mill
    2 dips of Cope Whiskey Blend
    Regular portion before lunch - Grov
    Sterk after lunch - another Claq
    ...Then I started on the Bass Ale along with:
    2 cigarettes - Camel filters
    More Grov portions - no idea how many
    ...Switched to drinking Grey Goose gimlets after sundown...
    1 cigar - a short one...I don't know much about cigars but it was good
    1 prilla of Roda Los (nice combo to the gimlets)
    two little nuggets of Oliver Twist (By this time I don't think I could taste anything)

    That's SIX different types of tobacco (not counting the 3 types of snus). Oh my...what have I done? It was great though.

    I think that was the most tobacco I have ever consumed in one day. I don't think I'll be repeating that again but out of curiosity has anyone had a similar orgy with tobacco?
  • Randall
    • May 2010
    • 753

    I add snuff to snus once in a while and had 2 cigarettes this week. But I don't drink anymore so I don't think I could consume tobacco like that now, without getting very


    • bipolarbear1968
      • Mar 2010
      • 1074

      I'm not really. I usually stick with nasal snuff in the morning. If I'm feeling stressed during the day, I'll have some snus (General ES los).

      My neighbor has some SG's 1792 flake pipe tobacco that he said contains a lot of nicotine. The smell is good and thought of buying some of it...and I don't smoke.


      • c.nash
        Banned Users
        • May 2010
        • 3511


        The most I do is smoking Hookah, while having a prilla or portion in while doing some snuff...

        But I only snuff at home, at night. And only smoke hookah when I'm home. Snus all day. :P


        • NonServiam
          • May 2010
          • 736

          Is your wife and kids still gone on vacation? Or were they a witness to your hedonism! I fell off the tobacco wagon about two weeks ago. snus, dip, snus, chew, snus, dip.


          • bakerbarber
            • Jun 2008
            • 1947

            I mix up my tobacco use all the time.

            It's OCD. I have to worry about running out of all different kinds of things.


            • Langdell
              • Jun 2010
              • 255

              I don't recall having a single day with that much variety and volume of tobacco use, but back before I started snusing there were occasional days when I would kind of binge on (pipe) smoking. These were often weekend days when I was stuck all day at my desk at home working on something. I would just puff all day, fast and furiously, and by the end of the day it wasn't even enjoyable. On those days, when I would brush my teeth before bed the stinging on my tongue would remind me that I had smoked too much that day. Now I at least alternate smoking with snusing so this doesn't happen. (I occasionally use a little more snus in a day than normal, but it would be hard for me to use much more than normal since I'm already snusing during most waking hours when I'm not smoking.)


              • Bigblue1
                Banned Users
                • Dec 2008
                • 3923

                Way to go wicked. I had company coming over yesterday for dinner. So I was a chopping and a cutting and a drinking of course snusing and snuffing my ass off all the while. One of the guests had some pall mall 100s so after dinner had one of those b4 i threw in some more ges. My sister and bro in law stayed late so him and I moved to the backyard and lit a fire while trying to catch some catfish in the river. Next thing I know i have 2 onyx portions in and he's handing me a cigar, Well like you said by that point of the evening I was not tasting much so what the hell smoked the cigar while double barreling onyx. they left around 2 and I jumped in the chatbox with texasmade and danielan and threw in another ges los prilla. So yes i have, the same day you did. Keep in mind I'm a 2-3 prilla/portion a day guy. So I was way off the reservation.......


                • Darwin
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1372

                  That volume doesn't sound like that big a deal. There are plenty of people who smoke three packs a day of Marlboro Red. Can't get much more nicotine soaked than that.


                  • Bigblue1
                    Banned Users
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 3923

                    Originally posted by Darwin View Post
                    That volume doesn't sound like that big a deal. There are plenty of people who smoke three packs a day of Marlboro Red. Can't get much more nicotine soaked than that.
                    I think there was a time when every body smoked 3 packs aof smokes a day. I doubt many do anymore. It's nearly impossible to smoke that much anymore. You can only smoke in 20% of your world and the cost factor would be frightening....


                    • Darwin
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1372

                      I guess "plenty" might be a bit of an exaggeration but I'm equally sure that for people of serious means, and who don't spend a lot of time in public, the cost of several cartons a week of even premium smokes is trivial. I'm very very far from, and I'm pretty sure most here are as well, such lavish means.


                      • c.nash
                        Banned Users
                        • May 2010
                        • 3511

                        Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
                        I think there was a time when every body smoked 3 packs aof smokes a day. I doubt many do anymore. It's nearly impossible to smoke that much anymore. You can only smoke in 20% of your world and the cost factor would be frightening....
                        You can still smoke anywhere outdoors around here. So some people are still smoking 2-4 packs a day. Regardless of price.


                        • Bigblue1
                          Banned Users
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 3923

                          Yeah but who's gonna spend more than 20% of their time out doors. Also here in Illinois you can't be less than 15 ft away from a door to a public place lest you risk huge fines. My point was back when folks smoked 3 packs a day they smoked in the office, at home, in bars and restaurants, an even stores. This shit does not fly anymore. Even when i could smoke in bars and restaurants I'd have trouble going thru more than a pack a day. It may still be feasible for a few but like i said not many......


                          • texasmade
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 4159

                            Originally posted by Bigblue1
                            Yeah but who's gonna spend more than 20% of their time out doors. Also here in Illinois you can't be less than 15 ft away from a door to a public place lest you risk huge fines. My point was back when folks smoked 3 packs a day they smoked in the office, at home, in bars and restaurants, an even stores. This shit does not fly anymore. Even when i could smoke in bars and restaurants I'd have trouble going thru more than a pack a day. It may still be feasible for a few but like i said not many......
                            I was in kentucky last year and they had people smoking inside gas stations and stores. Surely this isn't the norm throughout the states, but there are a few places still like this


                            • ratcheer
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 621

                              I smoked until I was 21 in 1972. Then, through the mid-70's I chewed and took American moist snuff (mostly loose Skoal, which was only wintergreen in those days). Then I quit that.

                              When AT&T had a major strike in 1983, I had to work 12-hour days for 13 days every two weeks. Being cooped up with lots of smokers, I took up smoking temporarily "in self defense", heh heh. It took me about 6 months to fully quit, again.

                              In the early 90's, I got into fine cigars. I quit that after a year or two.

                              This May, I kept hearing about snus and tried them. I am, so far, strictly limiting myself to two per day. Plus a little loose moist snuff (Skoal and Grizzly). Even at this very low usage level, my wife is pissed, so I suppose I will be quitting again, fairly soon. I love it, but it is just not worth the hassle and constant snide remarks.



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