Samuel Gawith 1792
Sounds interesting. What is the scent profile?
Here is another SG offering that I just tried for the first time
Elmo's Reserve
This is really a wonderful end of the day snuff and a nice break from my usual diet of Toasts and plains.......It is very complex but the long and short of it is that it has the smell of of a Cavendish pipe tobacco.......remember those......usually had a name like Captain Jack or what not.....heavily cased with vanilla and other flavors......well this smell like a more complex good ol Cavendish pipe tobaccoWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by FrostedOn opening the tin it is a rich tobacco smell with a slightly rough edge to it is the best way I can describe it.
Smoking it generally smells of bonfire to me....give me some more time with it. I need to tame this beast. It is not bad....just strong all round.
OK I'm a dumb ass....I was thinking snuff......you were talking pipe tobacco.......ya'll just spot me a post or two.....I'll eventually catch up
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Is it possible you got a bad batch?
Maybe these links, at PipesMagazine.com will help:
Here's just one response, from the above thread:
Yum. 1792 is my fav smoke at the moment. I remember my first tin. It smelt like a dead rat in a tin to me. It took me over a week to get the pluck to try and smoke a bowl and after i did i couldn't move for 3 hours.
(And that's a *positive* review)
Good luck.Last edited by Snusie; 03-04-15, 03:37 AM.
Originally posted by Snusdog View PostOK I'm a dumb ass....I was thinking snuff......you were talking pipe tobacco.......ya'll just spot me a post or two.....I'll eventually catch up
Frosted's comments on the pipe baccy has me excited, I just got a tin of it in yesterday and it will now be the next one I open in a day or two.
Originally posted by FrostedIve thrown mine in the bin.
This is one of those things you will either really love or really hate. It is an extreme tobacco.....too rough fof me to be enjoyable. For me life is too short to be battling something tricky....especially when there are smokes that are wonderful out there like Irish and University Flake.
One other thing, did you rub it out before you tried to smoke it or did you just crumble it into the bowl? It makes a big difference with the 1792. Avoid squadron leader or Dunhill nighcap, both are huge Latakia bombs and will put you into a nic coma! Stick with aromatics that are lower on nic but big on flavour, Peterson nutty cut is a huge favourite of mine.
Originally posted by FrostedIm looking at royal yacht and navy rolls at a tobacco shop in Harrow.
My best friend so far is Irish Flake. That is all win. No dottle either.
Im not afraid of strength but I do actually like my tobacco to burn. Spitting is a big no.
I pulled it apart into small bits.
Try some english blends lends to bed in with then revisit the 1792. Royal yacht is lovely, navy rolls are good but again, you need to prep it properly, I thinknits Virginia in the middle of the roll which makes is very sweet. EMP is my fav Dunhill by far. Try some bobs flake or chocolate flake (thinknits called that) or the pure Virginia flake by SG.
I see you had some trouble getting started properly. I am not a very experienced pip smoker but reading your experiances have given me some tip for a better time of it. Thanks
I believe that smoking a TOBACCO pipe is a great way to relax and take your mind off of ones troubles. The whole process is designed for you to take the time and find at least a bit of peace while preparing and smoking a pipe. Maybe that's part of the great feeling you are finally experiencing. Good luck.
Maybe I'll get my pipes out and try it again.......maybeLast edited by Premium Parrots; 03-04-15, 11:31 PM.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
A colonoscopy is no big deal . But it is pretty important when the time comes. In the USA for men 50 or over they want you to have it done every five years. Same for women I think. I don't think you are up to that age yet but when you get there it is very important to have it done. It doesn't hurt at all and you won't even know the procedure has been done. Coming out of the twilight sedation is a blast. That's a great time to screw around with the nurses....and get away with it. Same thing with the endoscopy procedure. I'm glad the pipe is working for you on the IBS.
I just looked and all my tobacco pipes [a whole 3,] are already at the new house. [no I haven't moved yet] Actually the doctors say I should not have ANY tobacco anymore but I still use a few snus daily, they don't know. Since my diet is now severely restricted I feel that I need at least a bit of enjoyment in life.....and a few snus a day is it. As much as I'd like to use a pipe I'm afraid that isn't a possibility anymore.
The last pipe tobacco I used was Flying Dutchman and that was probably 10 years ago.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Frosted, you may want to take a look at this book http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/160529...9mL&ref=plSrch by an expert gastroenterologist. It seems to help a lot of people.
I have IBS, medically diagnosed, I have all the cameras up and down parts of the body, I take mebeverine for it. My dr told me that if I quit smoking it would get worse, however I used snus so never noticed a difference. Mine is brought in by stress, so 5 days a week stomach cramps and loose bowls are the norm, at the weekend I'm a bit better as I don't get the cramps too badly.
I havent smoked a ke da pipe regularly enough in the last few years to notice anything, but when I did,mature fact that it took over an hour to smoke a bowl properly I felt relaxed, it is part of the pipe smoking process. You enjoy it more because it takes time to prepare, you have to pay attention to keep it going, and the room note is much better than cigarettes and cigars so the whole experience is just better so your state of mind is altered doing it.
I dont paticularly want want to smoke anything ever again, mouth cancer and all, but from time to time, a bowl sorts me out.
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