I smoked pipes for years and years I also repaired made and sold pipes and blended pipe tobacco for a living ! The problem most all new pipe smokers have in the begining is they have no idead how to smoke one to enjoy it and end up with a fried tongue ! The other problem is they normal start out with a tobacco that there not ready to handle or some stupid cherry or vinalla crapola . they also tend to buy a cheaper pipe first that a smoke like crap until its broke in and then they smoke it up to hot to buld a cake on the inside of the bowl .
Pipe smoking is an art and somthing that comes with time I stil have over 300 pipes in my collection and everyone are like a old friend !
I gave up pipes and cigs a while back I don't mis the cigs but man I do mis a pipe specialy at night when contemplating the world by a nice fire ! Iam hoping I can go back to a bowl now and then and keep it from becoming a all day habit again .
I personaly prefer heavy English blends / Burley and stright Vaginas . a good Va agged for a few yrs a be super sweet with sugar crystals on it kept and stored properly I have some here over 25 yrs old that pipe comon sewers would kill for :O)
I recomend a stright unflavored burley for any newbie NOTHING with VA tobacco in it until you learn to control the heat I can smoke a bowl and the pipe bowl a never get much more than barely warm . Va tobacco burns HOT so a newbie trying to keep one burning a just fry there whole mouth with it . the first thing to remember half of smoking and enjoying the pipe is sipping it and not trying to puff like a mad man to keep it lit it takes many yrs to learn to keep a bowl cool and not have to relight it ! But then some of the best tobaccos have to be relit sometimes often if your wound up and puffing to beat the band .
Some of the most famous folks in the world in the past regularly smoked a nice briar some do now . But it is a learned art . And then there are the wonderful flavored natural tobacco blends out there .
I could right a book on this subject it is one a my true passions .
snuff IMHO is garbage compared to a pipe in the right hands with a nice tobacco blend nothing like it on earth . Tobacco heaven IMHO.
I wana add one more thing learning the proper way to pack a pipe and to know when a tobacco is to wet or dry has a LOT to do with your enjoyment of the briar .
It was a sad day for my wife and myself when one of my largest suppliers of my blending tobaccos went belly up and half my blends that were popular around the world in pipe circles could no longer be made . And we ended up out of business to much govermnet is killing the old fashion mom and pop tobacco business . It truly sad but good pipes can stil be had and so can top made piper tobaccos . once you learn what is what in the art of pipe smoking .
One of my biggest thrills was when I restored estate pipes taking a old beat up hi quality pipe that was someone friend for yrs and I would bring it back to almost like new again and some of the best buys you will ever find are estate pipes that given to the right person a be one of your best pipes that a last a lifetime and give you a lifetime of enjoyment . a Properly restored estate pipe by the right person is clean and as better than or as good as most hi end new pipes if you are starting with a good pipe to begin with .
Restoring estate pipes is like restoring a old vintage car you find in a barn and when your done its a jewel you can enjoy for yrs .Restoring pipes IMO is becoming a lost art also a lot folks clam they can do it but end up messing them up even thou they may look good . This is bragging but I am a expert in this or so I been told :O) I have restored pipes for folks that you see in the news everyday or in the pappers or read there books they come from all walks of life and are normaly very very decent folks because a pipe smoker by nature is easy going and calm and a pipe has a calming effect on the person who takes the time to learn to coax the briar to its best smoke .
I think it was Enstein that said "Pipe smoking adds a calming effect to all human affairs "
Pipe smoking is an art and somthing that comes with time I stil have over 300 pipes in my collection and everyone are like a old friend !
I gave up pipes and cigs a while back I don't mis the cigs but man I do mis a pipe specialy at night when contemplating the world by a nice fire ! Iam hoping I can go back to a bowl now and then and keep it from becoming a all day habit again .
I personaly prefer heavy English blends / Burley and stright Vaginas . a good Va agged for a few yrs a be super sweet with sugar crystals on it kept and stored properly I have some here over 25 yrs old that pipe comon sewers would kill for :O)
I recomend a stright unflavored burley for any newbie NOTHING with VA tobacco in it until you learn to control the heat I can smoke a bowl and the pipe bowl a never get much more than barely warm . Va tobacco burns HOT so a newbie trying to keep one burning a just fry there whole mouth with it . the first thing to remember half of smoking and enjoying the pipe is sipping it and not trying to puff like a mad man to keep it lit it takes many yrs to learn to keep a bowl cool and not have to relight it ! But then some of the best tobaccos have to be relit sometimes often if your wound up and puffing to beat the band .
Some of the most famous folks in the world in the past regularly smoked a nice briar some do now . But it is a learned art . And then there are the wonderful flavored natural tobacco blends out there .
I could right a book on this subject it is one a my true passions .
snuff IMHO is garbage compared to a pipe in the right hands with a nice tobacco blend nothing like it on earth . Tobacco heaven IMHO.
I wana add one more thing learning the proper way to pack a pipe and to know when a tobacco is to wet or dry has a LOT to do with your enjoyment of the briar .
It was a sad day for my wife and myself when one of my largest suppliers of my blending tobaccos went belly up and half my blends that were popular around the world in pipe circles could no longer be made . And we ended up out of business to much govermnet is killing the old fashion mom and pop tobacco business . It truly sad but good pipes can stil be had and so can top made piper tobaccos . once you learn what is what in the art of pipe smoking .
One of my biggest thrills was when I restored estate pipes taking a old beat up hi quality pipe that was someone friend for yrs and I would bring it back to almost like new again and some of the best buys you will ever find are estate pipes that given to the right person a be one of your best pipes that a last a lifetime and give you a lifetime of enjoyment . a Properly restored estate pipe by the right person is clean and as better than or as good as most hi end new pipes if you are starting with a good pipe to begin with .
Restoring estate pipes is like restoring a old vintage car you find in a barn and when your done its a jewel you can enjoy for yrs .Restoring pipes IMO is becoming a lost art also a lot folks clam they can do it but end up messing them up even thou they may look good . This is bragging but I am a expert in this or so I been told :O) I have restored pipes for folks that you see in the news everyday or in the pappers or read there books they come from all walks of life and are normaly very very decent folks because a pipe smoker by nature is easy going and calm and a pipe has a calming effect on the person who takes the time to learn to coax the briar to its best smoke .
I think it was Enstein that said "Pipe smoking adds a calming effect to all human affairs "