Manliness rating = 7.0
A good pipe tobacco is delicious, and the aroma of pipe smoke is pleasant, even to most non-smokers. There is very little in this world that is more enjoyable than partaking in a pipeful of tobacco and a glass of scotch at the end of the day. Pipe smokers are generally considered intelligent and refined, but not pompous or egotistical. They may not be muscle-bound manly men (such as our friend Arthur), but pipe-smoking men have been behind some of mankind's greatest academic and intellectual heavy-lifting (Figure 5).
If you're interested in trying pipe smoking, I recommend picking up a used pipe on E-bay. There are hundreds available, and a used high-quality pipe need not cost more than $20. Then take a trip to your local tobacconist, who will be pleased to help you select a tobacco and show you how to get the most enjoyment out of your new pipe.
All this according to Dr. Harlan K. Upmann:
Manly Tobacco Use: Swedish Snus, Chewing Tobacco, Pipe Tobacco, Nasal Snuff...
Manliness rating = 7.0

Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein
If you choose to smoke tobacco, using a pipe is the preferred method, and pipe tobacco is my preferred tobacco product. Similar to cigars, the tobacco smoke is puffed into the mouth, and the nicotine is absorbed through the mouth. If you are lucky enough to live in a town with a high-quality tobacco shop, you will be amazed by the quality and selection of pipe tobaccos, which are generally available at very reasonable prices. A good pipe tobacco is delicious, and the aroma of pipe smoke is pleasant, even to most non-smokers. There is very little in this world that is more enjoyable than partaking in a pipeful of tobacco and a glass of scotch at the end of the day. Pipe smokers are generally considered intelligent and refined, but not pompous or egotistical. They may not be muscle-bound manly men (such as our friend Arthur), but pipe-smoking men have been behind some of mankind's greatest academic and intellectual heavy-lifting (Figure 5).
If you're interested in trying pipe smoking, I recommend picking up a used pipe on E-bay. There are hundreds available, and a used high-quality pipe need not cost more than $20. Then take a trip to your local tobacconist, who will be pleased to help you select a tobacco and show you how to get the most enjoyment out of your new pipe.
All this according to Dr. Harlan K. Upmann:
Manly Tobacco Use: Swedish Snus, Chewing Tobacco, Pipe Tobacco, Nasal Snuff...