Pipes Manliness rating = 7.0

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  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    Pipes Manliness rating = 7.0

    Manliness rating = 7.0

    Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein

    If you choose to smoke tobacco, using a pipe is the preferred method, and pipe tobacco is my preferred tobacco product. Similar to cigars, the tobacco smoke is puffed into the mouth, and the nicotine is absorbed through the mouth. If you are lucky enough to live in a town with a high-quality tobacco shop, you will be amazed by the quality and selection of pipe tobaccos, which are generally available at very reasonable prices.

    A good pipe tobacco is delicious, and the aroma of pipe smoke is pleasant, even to most non-smokers. There is very little in this world that is more enjoyable than partaking in a pipeful of tobacco and a glass of scotch at the end of the day. Pipe smokers are generally considered intelligent and refined, but not pompous or egotistical. They may not be muscle-bound manly men (such as our friend Arthur), but pipe-smoking men have been behind some of mankind's greatest academic and intellectual heavy-lifting (Figure 5).

    If you're interested in trying pipe smoking, I recommend picking up a used pipe on E-bay. There are hundreds available, and a used high-quality pipe need not cost more than $20. Then take a trip to your local tobacconist, who will be pleased to help you select a tobacco and show you how to get the most enjoyment out of your new pipe.

    All this according to Dr. Harlan K. Upmann:
    Manly Tobacco Use: Swedish Snus, Chewing Tobacco, Pipe Tobacco, Nasal Snuff...
  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    I hate my pipe now..

    Bough it like 2 weeks ago and it's all stuffed up and smells really bad.

    I have no idea how to keep it clean.


    • snusgetter
      • May 2010
      • 10903

      Originally posted by precious007 View Post
      I hate my pipe now..

      Bough it like 2 weeks ago and it's all stuffed up and smells really bad.

      I have no idea how to keep it clean.

      The good Doctor does say:

      "take a trip to your local tobacconist, who will be pleased to help
      you select a tobacco and show you how to get the most
      enjoyment out of your new pipe


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        I'm afraid the girls that sell pipes and tobacco in the mall that I live nearby doesn't even know what cigarettes are.

        I saw some kind of wipes, it looks like a thin rope to clean the pipe, but I don't exactly know how to use them.


        • deadohsky
          • Nov 2009
          • 625

          Originally posted by precious007 View Post
          I saw some kind of wipes, it looks like a thin rope to clean the pipe, but I don't exactly know how to use them.
          Those are pipe cleaners. They typically have little metal 'fingers' all around the rest of the bristles/ brushes whatever you want to call them. Just put the pipe cleaner in your pipe, through the mouthpiece, through the bowl, whatever, move it around inside the pipe and it will clean it. If not satisfactory you can always soak in a solution that will eat away all the resinous build up.


          • precious007
            Banned Users
            • Sep 2010
            • 5885


            So there are solutions too.

            The interior part where the tobacco is place was all covered in a thick black layer. Cleaned it manually.


            • Jwalker
              • May 2010
              • 1067

              Well when most people see me smoke a pipe they ask if I'm smoking weed. It's definitely somewhat manly though I guess.


              • c.nash
                Banned Users
                • May 2010
                • 3511

                Originally posted by precious007 View Post

                So there are solutions too.

                The interior part where the tobacco is place was all covered in a thick black layer. Cleaned it manually.
                You want to let the black stuff build up, it makes the smoking a lot smoother down the road.


                • Darwin
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1372

                  The black layer is known as char and a decently thick layer, eighth of an inch or so, contributes to the ability of a pipe to absorb moisture and insulate the bowl. Precious007 head over to a pipe shop if you can find one and get yourself a little dingus called a pipe reamer which adjusts to the size of different pipe bowls and will grind out excess char and smooth up the layer. Don't use anything liquid on the char to clean it either but do use bristly pipe cleaners to run through the stem and the draw hole at the bottom of the bowl every time you have a smoke. And try to smoke a bowlful down quite a ways before knocking the ash out, which is called "dottle" by the way, so that a relatively even layer of char coats the inside of the bowl. Repeat you want that char there to give you a good cool and consistent smoke.


                  • Langdell
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 255

                    +1 that the pipe is the best and most manly way to smoke tobacco for those who choose to smoke tobacco

                    Precious007: On your issues, as others have said, yes, (1) you should get some pipe cleaners, and (2) you should leave some of the black stuff (i.e., "char", also called "cake") remain in your pipe. A few more details for you.

                    Pipe cleaners are essential--one can be run through the pipe during a smoke if it becomes wet/unpleasant. In between smokes, you should clean a pipe out by untwisting the bowl from the stem (IMPORTANT: DO THIS ONLY WHEN THE PIPE IS COOL, NOT RIGHT AFTER A SMOKE. If you do it while the pipe is warm, like during or right after a smoke, you will soon ruin the pipe by making the stem fit too loosely. I know from sad experience.) Pipe cleaners are also useful for numerous craft projects--I have had several people exclaim when they saw me using one to clean a pipe "Oh, so that's why those are called 'pipe cleaners'!" Yes, many people are ignorant.

                    If a pipe still seems wet and nasty after running a pipe cleaner through it a few times, try leaving a fresh pipe cleaner in the stem and letting it sit overnight. The pipe cleaner will absorb some more moisture. If you smoke daily (or, at least, 2 days back to back) it is also a good idea to have at least two pipes so that one can dry out for a day or two before being smoked again.

                    You want a thin layer of the black cake or char (in America, the tip is you want a layer about as thick as an American penny--I don't know about other countries' coinage). The break-in process for a new (briar) pipe is the building up of this cake layer. The layer acts something like a grill in a fireplace, making for a smoother, cooler, longer-burning smoke. When it gets noticeably thicker, then ream (scrape) it down a little, but not all the way off. When it gets too thick, nasty juices will build up in/under it, plus the bowl of your pipe is greatly diminished in size. But you always want to leave a little.

                    The pipe cleaners and letting your pipe dry longer between smokes (BTW, the pipe should be stood up to dry with the bowl pointing downward) will probably solve the problem you are describing. In extreme cases, there is a liquid product called "pipe sweetener" that can be used to wipe out the inside of the bowl and can be put on a pipe cleaner to run it through the bowl. I use pipe sweetener only very rarely.


                    • Darwin
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1372

                      I"ll add a couple more thoughts. Craft type pipe cleaners are usually ill suited for serious pipe maintenance although they are better than nothing. Try to get the fatter bristly type sold specifically for pipes at a tobacconist or online. Don't make a habit of smoking only a quarter or half a bowl at one time because char will build up near the top instead of evenly down the sides of the bowl. As Langdell pointed out never try to remove a stem from a hot pipe. Not only will the fit be compromised you might well break the stem or even the shank of the pipe into which it goes. Lastly I'd stay away from pipes that have any sort of filter in them. They don't really work and they tend to encourage the buildup of moisture and general crud inside the pipe.


                      • Langdell
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 255

                        Darwin is right. Use real pipe cleaners. I did not mean to suggest that you should use the "pipe cleaners" made for craft purposes to clean pipes--sorry for any confusion. (You can, however, use real pipe cleaners for crafts. My college roommate used to amuse himself and annoy me by making little animals and people out of my pipe cleaners.)

                        I also agree with Darwin about avoiding pipes with any kind of filter. These so-called filters just make things worse. I avoid them like the plague.


                        • GENERAL BILLY
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 528


                          A man's man.


                          • GENERAL BILLY
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 528

                            If you enjoy smoking a pipe god bless. The dude with the 'Manliness listing for tobacco website is a douche. I am just saying...postwhore!


                            • jagmanss
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 12213

                              Originally posted by GENERAL BILLY

                              A man's man.
                              Nice one!!


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