Time inbetween pipe smoking and snussing.

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  • Ansel
    • Feb 2011
    • 3696

    Time inbetween pipe smoking and snussing.

    Do any of the pipesmokers here leave any particular time inbetween pipe smoking and snussing. I don't seem to leave it long enough and find a smoke on the pipe much less satisfying than i used to, probably as already nicotine in my system.
  • LincolnSnuff
    • May 2010
    • 676

    I have thought about this before. I tend to put a pris in right after smoking because even though I usually notice some nic from the pipe, the levels are still too low. I normally wont have a pipe for at least 1 or 2 hours after a snus. I smoke 2 or 3 bowls per week on average.


    • Ansel
      • Feb 2011
      • 3696

      Thanks for replying Lincoln. Oh so you don't smoke many bowls a week then. Sounds like i should leave it a while longer after snussing before picking up the pipe.


      • Kram77
        New Member
        • Mar 2011
        • 10

        I don't smoke pipe but since snussing I've yet to go on my summer cigar binge (3-4 per week)... Its so much easier to pop in a snus then take the "down time" to sit outside and enjoy a good cigar. I like cigars because they make me slow down, take time and enjoy! Something I can definably use! So I cant comment on time between or if its made my cigars less enjoyable (hope it doesn't) till I have the time to enjoy both. It's hard finding the time these days. My kid is on 3 different baseball teams and I feel like I'm at the field or on the road 24/7. Snus gives me the ability to enjoy baseball and tobacco all at the same time.... and no one is the wiser.


        • Ansel
          • Feb 2011
          • 3696

          You'll enjoy the cigars - just give it well over an hour after taking your snus out your mouth... maybe 2 hours if you can hold out.


          • Langdell
            • Jun 2010
            • 255

            When I'm at home, I generally go straight from snus to pipe to snus to pipe, and so on with no break in between (unless I'm eating, sleeping, or doing some other activity that keeps me from either smoking or snusing). Before I started snusing--and even for a while after--I tended to be a chain pipe smoker at home. The main reason I started taking snus was to cut down on my pipe smoking, so now I alternate between pipe and snus at home rather than my old practice of just lighting one pipe after another. (Away from home, I tend to chain snus, with no ill effects and lots of pleasant ones.)


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