So, I'm considering buying a pipe...

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  • heders
    • Jan 2011
    • 2227

    So, I'm considering buying a pipe...

    Yes, I'm considering buying a pipe and starting smoking. I love my snus, but I also love the feeling of a smoke break, preferably at early morning, at night or out in nature. Since I don't smoke anymore (except for cigars and cigarillos, which is extremely rare), I'm thinking about trying smoking a pipe since I really love the flavor of cigars and cigarillos. I have tried pipe smoking as a young teen for gags with an extremely cheap pipe, and if I remember correctly, cigarette tobacco. So I have no 'real' experience in pipe smoking.

    I visited one of my regular tobacco stores which has basically everything tobacco related (including bongs, chillums, dope weights etc. lol). They had normal pipes for in a pretty wide price range, ranging from $8-9 to (I think, don't remember) $150. Most of them were cheap ones though.

    What price range should my pipe be in? I'm a poor student, so I can't afford a nice one just yet, but I figure, even the cheap ones can't be THAT bad, huh? I'm thinking the cheap ones would have worse durability than more expensive ones, and maybe lack a bit of feel (plus of course being a little worse to smoke), but I can live with that for now.

    What would you recommend?

    And what tobacco is good to start with? Again, I noticed pipe tobacco is pretty expensive, even though they come in, what seemed like large tins - so if there's any lower budget alternatives that is good, that would be awesome.

    I know pipe smoking is supposed to not really be a cheap mans thing, kind of like with cigars - you get what you pay for, but hopefully you guys can guide me through.

  • DanielO
    • Nov 2011
    • 66

    In Sweden? I dunno. Here I'd say start with a cob and some Prince Albert or Carter Hall. That keeps your investment to less than $20 and gives you a serious introduction to pipe smoking (I just smoked a cob with some Granger in it, which is priced similarly to Prince Albert). Most of my favorite briars were in the $70-80 price range if you are looking to just jump in. Peterson is a good brand. So is Savinelli. But if it's available to you, you can't go wrong with a cob and some Carter Hall.


    • spirit72
      • Apr 2008
      • 1013

      Definitely start with a corncob pipe. Very cheap and very forgiving. I'd look through pipe tobaccos and get one or two different kinds that seem interesting. I like Dunhill's 'London Mixture', and Mac Baren's 'Plumcake' a lot. 50g is plenty for a beginning piper.


      • Monkey
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2009
        • 3290

        You know, I have toyed with the idea of getting a pipe about once a month forever.

        The only problem I have with it is if I smoke a cigar the taste afterwards bothers me. During it I am feeling like awesomeness to the third power but afterwards my mouth tastes like ass.....and I hate it now. When I smoked regularly I never noticed.

        Tastes like dirty burnt ass.

        I just like the idea of smoking a pipe I guess.

        I still have a MM Cob in my shopping cart over at Amazon.

        Glad I could help.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Another vote for corn cob. It's a good starter pipe, and it's good forever. They're good smokers regardless of price, and the price is hard to beat.


          • jet80
            • Dec 2011
            • 25

            corn cob here!


            • heders
              • Jan 2011
              • 2227

              Thanks a lot guys! I'm onmy way right now to see what the store has to offer. I will start with a cob pipe though! Fortobacco though, I don't know yet, but I will see if they have any of the brands you suggested there. If not, I will go with Davidoff, Dunhill or something like that since I remember their cigarettes was excellent. I'll report back if I do get one. :-)


              • Slidingblues
                • Sep 2011
                • 316

                I'll be the one dissenting voice. With all of the great carvers in your part of the world I would be looking for an estate pipe. But briar is my preference....

                Good luck! Anyway you go pipe smoking is a pleasure.


                • heders
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 2227

                  Thanks for your response Slidingblues!

                  I got a corn cobe pipe (missouri meerschaum) together with some Borkum Riff Cavendish Vanilla (apparently made by Swedish Match). The pipe costed me $8,70 and the tobacco I think was $23. Later after I tried it, I went to tobacco reviews and saw that that is some pretty bad stuff.

                  It was in fact not very good. The first few puffs are OK with some nice and subtle vanilla flavors, but it doesn't last long, and the bite half way through the bowl is insane. Not a good brand to start off with, but the reason I got it was because I've heard Borkum Riff should be pretty good, and because I've loved the smell of vanilla pipe tobacco the few times I've walked past someone smoking that.

                  However, I love the feeling of smoking a pipe, even though this tobacco wasn't the best. I will get some top quality stuff you guys have wrote about and look at which tobacco people likes the best. If there's is tobacco without bite like this and a better taste, I would fall in love.

                  I also feel that if this one is a really bad brand, and I still enjoy the act of smoking a pipe, I will really enjoy a good tasting quality tobacco.


                  • sirloot
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 2607

                    yeah usualy the less flavored are milder smokes (less bite) so to speak .. if you can get any of the capt black series they are good cheap starter pipe tobacco dont think ive tried vanilla but Cherry (middleton) always had a heluva bite

                    hah just found out swedish match now owns Captain Black also

                    and the trick is to sip on it .. not puff most pipes after lit ive found is you can hold it in yer mouth and breath normally and if its not a hard draw it will bring the smoke out : tip #2 if the bowl gets very warm to the touch yer doing it wrong ! its not a hashpipe :P


                    • Slidingblues
                      • Sep 2011
                      • 316

                      If Lane tobaccos are available to you 1Q is a good aromatic with little to no bite. It has a light vanilla flavor


                      Is the US Lane supplies a lot of Tobacconist with some of their bulk blends.


                      • Ansel
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 3696

                        Hey Heders, You may want to get some tobacco advice from this pipe smoker who is in Sweden:



                        • Ansel
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 3696

                          I still say clays are much better than corncobs. The bowl only gets hot if you are holding by the bowl. You can pick up a decent clay here:


                          And the best tobacco i like that i recommend is probably 'Billy Budd' by Cornell and Diehl:


                          • heders
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 2227

                            A late thanks for your tips! I will check those brands out and see if my local tobacconist carries them. Also Ansel, I will send a mail to that guy and see what brands he like and if he can share some tips.

                            Btw, I developed a mouth ulcer on the underside of my tongue (where the 'string' is, holding the tongue in the mouth) the day after new years eve. I smoked my corn cob non stop, and two cigars. Due to the alcohol I didn't feel any tongue bite, haha, so I kept puffing on.

                            Is it dangerous to smoke with mouth ulcers? I got some new stuff I really want to try out. It's almost healed, but hurts a bit when I turn the tongue a lot to the side.


                            • DanielO
                              • Nov 2011
                              • 66

                              Some would say, "damaged tissue that is undergoing the healing process is particularly susceptible to damage from smoke. Don't risk it." Others would say," You already smoke and snus, what's the difference?"


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