Originally posted by Ansel
Thinking about smoking a pipe more often.
Originally posted by Anselthat's good to hear mate! sounds fun.
would be interested to read any studies into tsna levels on snus storage if anyone has any...
Have to say having just had a session with my pipe smoking some MacBaren Virginia number one that the buzz is amazing but like Lx says it is a major PITA so... maybe just a bowl a day is my thing with snus before and after, something like that... who knows.
After that quote earlier on this other forum TropicalBob got back and said this:
I can tell you that pipe smoking is virtually harmless IF YOU DO NOT INHALE -- and no serious pipe smoker does. Just puff in and exhale through nose or mouth. A study in the late 50s, when I first took up a pipe, showed that pipe smokers outlive both smokers AND non-smokers. Do not credit that to tobacco, however. Pipe smokers have calm, contemplative personalities for the most part, and that contributes to longevity. It's hard to be stressed out while puffing a pipe. Never feel a need to choose ONE alternative to smoking cigarettes. Bottom line: Use any combination or all
Originally posted by Ansel
After that quote earlier on this other forum TropicalBob got back and said this:
Originally posted by lxskllrThat doesn't pass the common sense test. Excluding inhalation, burning tobacco in cigarettes causes mouth and throat cancer, as well as leading to gum recession. What kind of magic is in pipe tobacco that keeps it from causing the same problems as cigarettes?
Originally posted by AnselWell you can smoke a pipe many ways but if it hits the back of your throat that is bad news. It's hard to do but you can puff gently without hitting the back of your throat.
Originally posted by lxskllrYou can't puff one without it hitting mucous membrane. That's the concern. Throat tissue isn't significantly different from other tissue in the mouth. I dunno. I haven't studied the issue, but I bet someone else has, and I suspect the results aren't favorable. That's not much of a concern to me, as I still smoke the occasional cigarette, pipe, and anything else that catches my fancy at the time, but I don't consider any form of smoking significantly safer than cigarettes. Maybe I'll try to hunt down some studies later.
I suppose from my point of view, if it were just as bad as cigarettes at least it won't make me out of breath with it.
Originally posted by AnselWell, you may well be right. If you do find any studies perhaps you could share them with me.
I suppose from my point of view, if it were just as bad as cigarettes at least it won't make me out of breath with it.
It lists the conclusions of numerous studies, and also notes the studies themselves so you may be able to track them down online to get the details. I just glossed over it, but the general conclusion seems to be that pipe smoking isn't as bad as cigarettes, especially when lightly used, but there are risks, especially when compared to non smokers.
Originally posted by lxskllrCheck this page out...
It lists the conclusions of numerous studies, and also notes the studies themselves so you may be able to track them down online to get the details. I just glossed over it, but the general conclusion seems to be that pipe smoking isn't as bad as cigarettes, especially when lightly used, but there are risks, especially when compared to non smokers.
Originally posted by lxskllrYou can't puff one without it hitting mucous membrane. That's the concern. Throat tissue isn't significantly different from other tissue in the mouth. I dunno. I haven't studied the issue, but I bet someone else has, and I suspect the results aren't favorable. That's not much of a concern to me, as I still smoke the occasional cigarette, pipe, and anything else that catches my fancy at the time, but I don't consider any form of smoking significantly safer than cigarettes. Maybe I'll try to hunt down some studies later.
Pipe smoking can be very enjoyable. I did it for over 30 years out of 45 smoking. Quit in 2011 and waited a year before I had another (all while snussing only during that year). I was quite surprised at how dirty pipe smoking had become to me but I sure felt that smoking addiction feeling coming back quickly. Snus is, for me, by far a more enjoyable way to enjoy tobacco. Experiment if you wish but snus is best IMHO.
I very much enjoy the pipe---in fact, I'm working on a bowl of McClelland Christmas Cheer 2000 as we speak---but it is smoking, and it is a risk, even if it is a lesser risk than cigs.
I don't think I'd ever be comfortable with full-time pipe smoking. For me, it's 1-2 days a week, usually no more than 2 bowls a day.
A neti pot may be useful here as well in clearing particulates from pipe smoke from the nasal cavity, just as with snuff.
Of course, it has to be said too that at the end of it all, no one gets off this ride alive. Consider risk carefully, but if you enjoy something, then that counts as well......
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