Only have smoked from a cheap one like you find in a head shop. They are OK. Seem to burn hotter but more artistic possibilities. If you are starting off as a pipe smoker not the best first pipe.
That's a very nice looking meer, and the listing says it's carved from a solid block of meerschaum, meaning it's a quality pipe, if the claim is true. The Turkish city listed is considered the meerschaum capital of the world. The price is reasonable, too. I see that particular sale has ended, but if you find something similar you like from the same vendor, you may want to consider bidding.
If you're not experienced with meers, try searching for information on one of the many online pipe forums. They are quite different from other pipes, and require different handling and care.
This isn't just for pipe tobacco enthusiasts, it part of the battle against the anti's which will eventually spill over into snus if we don't work to...
Yes, I'm considering buying a pipe and starting smoking. I love my snus, but I also love the feeling of a smoke break, preferably at early morning, at...
Since I've never actuall introduced myself here yet. I've been an active member of snuson for a while now. I have been a tobacco user since an early age,...
Any pipe smokers here? I find when spring and fall arrive that I enjoy smoking a pipe more than usual. I like a strong English tobacco, and after Dunhill...