Buddhist info on Smoking.
Interesting article. One thing I'd like to point out, however, is that Buddhism, just like Christianity, is divided into thousands of sects and denominations, each with its own doctrine and practices. So there is no single Buddhist view of anything, let alone tobacco use. Although in very general terms, Buddhists tend to be tolerant on a number of issues, individual sects and practitioners may frown on anything that fosters dependence.
I don't know if it was a best seller translated in more languages, but years ago I saw a book in a library: "The Zen and the practice of Pipe Smoking", (my translation of the title is word by word), it was paired with "The Zen and the Motorbike". Interesting pow to understand that everything could be a good practice for our way to illumination, if one do the thing in a certain set of mind.
Obvoiusly there are things weakening our body or causing deseases and so on, but the message is interesting, I think.
Actually I'm really attracted by a buddhist doctrine so I will read the article asap, thanks for the post!
As a Buddhist I have heard this chat come up a lot. The only thing I can say is that while a Monk I know was residing in Thailand he met and saw many other Monks who smoked.
As far as I am concerned it doesn't alter consciousness so there really shouldn't be a problem with it Buddhism wise.
(Theravada Buddhist Here)
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