Gonna try pipe smoking again

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  • psychicferret
    • Jan 2015
    • 418

    Gonna try pipe smoking again

    Got my old bowl for my falcon which ive had to buy a new stem for and also got a cheap mysmokinshop pipe briar coming... Stopped before due to getting tounge bite so doing quite a bit of research on how to avoid it.

    Got presbetarian tobacco and dunhill classic coming.

    Been clean from all nicotine for the last 2 or 3 weeks, except for today as just got some cigarellos. cafe creme.

    I think most of the problem was i wasnt drying my tobacco, was using it fresh from the tin before.

    That and trying to replace a 30 a day rolly habbit with pipe smoking just doesnt work.

    3rd cigarello down in 2 hours doh. dont wanna get too hooked but an odd pipe a day would be nice. Dont wanna snus these days. was two costly. but so is nicorette.

    Anyway i be back hopefully less crazy... mwa... ha haha.

    if all goes well next month may treat myself to a 10minute or little gem pipe.

    dobiedobie doo
  • Burnsey
    • Jan 2013
    • 2572

    I have not gotten into pipe smoking, maybe tried it as a kid?? I get a pack of Black & Milds now and then, and they last a while, maybe one a week if I remember I have them. They don't come close to snus for enjoyment! imo


    • psychicferret
      • Jan 2015
      • 418

      Those ciggarellos sure where nice, got through 10 in a matter of 6 hours, anyway panic brought 2 corn cob pipes as i hear you can only smoke a briar once every 24 hours... though 2 pipes a day might be enough idk.

      Shall be here today the new falcon stem and a cheap briar plus tobacco and accessorys.

      The thing is would go back to snus but its now around 8.50£ for one can... that and it doesnt really do it for me whatever nicotine amount i use, never once got a nic rush from snus. but i do miss the tobacco tasting goodness of odens original... but £8.50 arggh no way.

      also i did try making my own snus out of american spirit with soda ash but guestimated the amount of soda ash to use and well spent 24 hours puking my guts up. nasty....

      Once a smoker always a smoker i think....


      • psychicferret
        • Jan 2015
        • 418

        Well got my falcon pipe and dunhill standard blend pipe tobacco quite quite happy with it

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        Update: got two Missouri Meerschaum legend polish bent pipes today... £6 each bargain. Actaully preferring them quite a bit against my more expensive falcon straight pipe. Might just be because their new or because the bowl is deeper. The stem is the only thing that gives away its cheapness... but i think ive found my calling, smoking corn cob pipes, ftw.
        Last edited by psychicferret; 05-10-18, 02:13 PM.


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