Your new hobby sounds great sage. I'm unfortunate in that all forms of smoking in ALL public places in the uk (pubs, private member's clubs, stations, etc) are banned. I couldn't go to a hookah club if I tried Maybe I should get my own
Your new hobby sounds great sage. I'm unfortunate in that all forms of smoking in ALL public places in the uk (pubs, private member's clubs, stations, etc) are banned. I couldn't go to a hookah club if I tried Maybe I should get my own
I was in Shropshire / church stretton area at my brother's place last year. There was a small rundown pub close to his place and almost everybody was smoking in the pub. I still remember the delicious bar steaks and lamb stew they served. Lovely & serene place, nice country Reddleman.
Your new hobby sounds great sage. I'm unfortunate in that all forms of smoking in ALL public places in the uk (pubs, private member's clubs, stations, etc) are banned. I couldn't go to a hookah club if I tried Maybe I should get my own
I was in Shropshire / church stretton area at my brother's place last year. There was a small rundown pub close to his place and almost everybody was smoking in the pub. I still remember the delicious bar steaks and lamb stew they served. Lovely & serene place, nice country Reddleman.
It was only last year that the ban came into effect. Nobody smokes in pubs now - only outdoors on the terrace. Lots of shisha/coffee shops around in london, though, but like cigs the smoking happens outside.
That sounds like a good reason for me go take a day trip in summer, I've got friends in the smoke I really should visit.
Yeah England is a nice place Sal1000us, especially rural areas like the one in which I live. :wink: But beware, when the moon is fat, and the IPA flows, the Englishman loses his characteristic honesty and calm courtesy, and becomes a Cornish Pastie-munching scallywag. :twisted:
That sounds like a good reason for me go take a day trip in summer, I've got friends in the smoke I really should visit.
Yeah England is a nice place Sal1000us, especially rural areas like the one in which I live. :wink: But beware, when the moon is fat, and the IPA flows, the Englishman loses his characteristic honesty and calm courtesy, and becomes a Cornish Pastie-munching scallywag. :twisted:
But the view around church stretton is still breathtaking:
We usually venture into Shrewsberry <sp?> since it is close, but always fly into and take off from Birmingham since it is about 1.5 hours to Shropshire. I am going to Greece in 2 months and might stop there for a week to visit. Would be nice to stop by and say hi if you are close to Birmingham or you are always welcome to come to the farm and visit us.
BTW, I don't live in England, my brother does. I live in the states.
We usually venture into Shrewsberry <sp?> since it is close, but always fly into and take off from Birmingham since it is about 1.5 hours to Shropshire. I am going to Greece in 2 months and might stop there for a week to visit. Would be nice to stop by and say hi if you are close to Birmingham or you are always welcome to come to the farm and visit us.
I live in Oakham, in Rutland but we do have a direct 1hr 22 train to Birmingham New Street, so let me know when you're around and we'll go for a drink, I quite fancy a trip to Brum.
The only thing that gets my jollies up more than when people see the Virgin Mary on toast, is when people claim to have uncovered Noah's Ark. And why...