I went back for seconds today. hadn't planned on it, but just couldn't stay away. It is truely an enjoyable past time. I have always enjoyed feeling smoke in my lungs, just came to regard cigarettes as largely disgusting and dirty. But the hookah smoke and flavorings in the tobacco are heavenly.
Cutie wasn't there when I go there. But I did enquire and learn her name is Ellena, and he *thinks* she is Russian. But definitely East European. She came in to work 30 minutes before I left and gave me a big smile and waved hello. But she came in with some guy, so depressing, of courseshe would have a boy friend. So much saddened, I contemplated and decided perhaps he is just her brother. Hey, a guy can hope. :lol: :lol:
But I really like this place. The guy working said I should definitely check it out at night, the have a really good scene there. Lord knows I need some more folks in my life so will make a point of going, maybe Wednesday night.
Cutie wasn't there when I go there. But I did enquire and learn her name is Ellena, and he *thinks* she is Russian. But definitely East European. She came in to work 30 minutes before I left and gave me a big smile and waved hello. But she came in with some guy, so depressing, of courseshe would have a boy friend. So much saddened, I contemplated and decided perhaps he is just her brother. Hey, a guy can hope. :lol: :lol:
But I really like this place. The guy working said I should definitely check it out at night, the have a really good scene there. Lord knows I need some more folks in my life so will make a point of going, maybe Wednesday night.