I've gotten interested in smoking a pipe again. I gave it a shot a few years ago. I've also smoked a couple regular cigarettes and some swishers. My problem, if there is one, is that the smoke from all of those tastes pretty much the same.
I smoke Captain Black in my pipe. I read reviews about it and every other tobacco and people describe smoke as tasting this way and that, sweet and vanilla, or smoky and earthy, or whatever. But... it just tastes like burning tobacco. The scent afterward smells like a good old tobacco shop, and thats what I like, but the smoke, again, just tastes like... smoke.
Is there something I need to be doing? I follow the advice I've read about pipes, I pack and light the pipe how people recommend, but it's always the same.
I just bought a nice thick walled pipe this afternoon to see if maybe it'll be different than the two thin walled pipes I've used before. Haven't tried it yet. Thanks in advance.
I smoke Captain Black in my pipe. I read reviews about it and every other tobacco and people describe smoke as tasting this way and that, sweet and vanilla, or smoky and earthy, or whatever. But... it just tastes like burning tobacco. The scent afterward smells like a good old tobacco shop, and thats what I like, but the smoke, again, just tastes like... smoke.
Is there something I need to be doing? I follow the advice I've read about pipes, I pack and light the pipe how people recommend, but it's always the same.
I just bought a nice thick walled pipe this afternoon to see if maybe it'll be different than the two thin walled pipes I've used before. Haven't tried it yet. Thanks in advance.