Any other pipe smokers who have used snus to cut down on smoking?

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  • Langdell
    • Jun 2010
    • 255

    Any other pipe smokers who have used snus to cut down on smoking?

    I know we have plenty of members who have used snus to quit or reduce cigarette smoking, and some former/reduced cigaretter smokers who have added some pipe smoking to their tobacco experience. But I'm wondering if there are any other habitual pipe smokers who have used snus to cut down the amount of pipe smoking. Anybody?

    As for me, I have smoked pipes daily for almost 22 years now, starting when I was in college. Never been a cigarette smoker. (I've smoked a handful of cigs in my lifetime, but never as a regular thing). Over the years, my pipe usage had crept up to where I was puffing away almost constantly when I was at home, in my car, or somewhere else that I could smoke and stepping out to smoke multiple times during the day when at work.

    I never desired, and still do not desire or intend, to quit smoking entirely. But about 4-5 years ago I decided I should cut down. So I consciously started changing my habits to reduce the number of pipefuls I had during the day (e.g., waiting till I had my second cup of coffee in the morning before lighting a pipe so that I was only smoking one before heading out the door instead of two, eliminating my pre-lunch smoke break, etc.). Then a little over three years ago I discovered snus and started using it to reduce my smoking even more. Snus was the first truly satisfying smoking substitute I had found, and it immediately cut my smoking even more dramatically--e.g., I immediately started snusing instead of smoking every time I was driving and snusing at work instead of taking smoke breaks, and generally snusing rather than smoking whenever I was away from home.

    In recent months, with little effort, snusing is replacing even more of my smoking. I realize I am more and more enjoying snusing as an activity in itself rather than just a substitute for smoking or something to tide me over till I am somewhere I can smoke. Used to be that even when I was enjoying a nice snus I would look forward to my next smoke, but now sometimes when I'm smoking I find myself looking forward to my next snus!
  • dxh
    • Jun 2010
    • 340

    Originally posted by Langdell View Post
    I know we have plenty of members who have used snus to quit or reduce cigarette smoking, and some former/reduced cigaretter smokers who have added some pipe smoking to their tobacco experience. But I'm wondering if there are any other habitual pipe smokers who have used snus to cut down the amount of pipe smoking. Anybody?

    As for me, I have smoked pipes daily for almost 22 years now, starting when I was in college. Never been a cigarette smoker. (I've smoked a handful of cigs in my lifetime, but never as a regular thing). Over the years, my pipe usage had crept up to where I was puffing away almost constantly when I was at home, in my car, or somewhere else that I could smoke and stepping out to smoke multiple times during the day when at work.

    I never desired, and still do not desire or intend, to quit smoking entirely. But about 4-5 years ago I decided I should cut down. So I consciously started changing my habits to reduce the number of pipefuls I had during the day (e.g., waiting till I had my second cup of coffee in the morning before lighting a pipe so that I was only smoking one before heading out the door instead of two, eliminating my pre-lunch smoke break, etc.). Then a little over three years ago I discovered snus and started using it to reduce my smoking even more. Snus was the first truly satisfying smoking substitute I had found, and it immediately cut my smoking even more dramatically--e.g., I immediately started snusing instead of smoking every time I was driving and snusing at work instead of taking smoke breaks, and generally snusing rather than smoking whenever I was away from home.

    In recent months, with little effort, snusing is replacing even more of my smoking. I realize I am more and more enjoying snusing as an activity in itself rather than just a substitute for smoking or something to tide me over till I am somewhere I can smoke. Used to be that even when I was enjoying a nice snus I would look forward to my next smoke, but now sometimes when I'm smoking I find myself looking forward to my next snus!
    Good for you!
    I was a smoking machine.
    I loved the pipe tobacco, but clients here is nor cal hate the smell of smoke so I do not lite up at all anymore. Snus has replaced it all in 2 short months.
    I use the strong snus, but hope to be on normal strength soon.


    • PipenSnus
      • Apr 2010
      • 1038

      I've cut way back on both cigarette and pipe smoking since I started snusing. Now I only smoke one or two cigarettes per day, and about the same number of pipes. I used to be a two pack per day cig smoker. I took up the pipe almost 2 years ago, hoping it would wean me off cigarettes. I love pipe smoking, but it just wasn't enough, and cigs started to creep back in.

      Soon, however, I'll give up the cigs completely. I'll most likely continue to smoke an occasional pipe of good tobacco.


      • dxh
        • Jun 2010
        • 340

        Originally posted by PipenSnus View Post
        I've cut way back on both cigarette and pipe smoking since I started snusing. Now I only smoke one or two cigarettes per day, and about the same number of pipes. I used to be a two pack per day cig smoker. I took up the pipe almost 2 years ago, hoping it would wean me off cigarettes. I love pipe smoking, but it just wasn't enough, and cigs started to creep back in.

        Soon, however, I'll give up the cigs completely. I'll most likely continue to smoke an occasional pipe of good tobacco.
        Nice. Keep up the good fight!


        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
          • Dec 2008
          • 2781

          Not me, I never smoked tobacco pipes before I quit cigs with snus. I kinda started a tobacco diversification project after studying harm reduction and stuff. Snus is all I need, but do enjoy pipes, cigars, and nasal snuff when I feel like it. Pipe smoking is my favorite non-snus tobacco use right now...


          • teeotee
            • Jul 2009
            • 251

            I guess i'm going the opposite way right now. Quit a 30 year, pack and half day habit with an ecig about 18 months back. Got into snus just over a year ago. I did smoke when i went back to England in September but got right back on the snus when i came back here a week later.
            Just last week I picked up a corn cob and a pouch of Prince albert soft vanilla. I still have the "wanting to smoke something" cravings but i just can't bring myself to buy a pack of cigs. For a while i would buy single cigars every once in a while. I had read a little about pipes on here and figured it was worth a try. The first three or four bowls were a little frustrating and off tasting, it is getting better. I'll have a pipe when i get home from work, sitting out on the deck with a beer, then maybe one later in the evening. This seems to be getting rid of the "wanting to smoke something" craving and is defintiely relaxing.
            Getting back to Langdell's question - personally i think Snus is the best way to feed the nicotine habit and we all know about the harm reduction side. I would imagine, depending on the situation most people would be able to cut back on smoking with snus, for many reasons, dicreetness, convenience, cost, etc. But then still enjoy an occasional smoke every now and then. I know i am


            • Langdell
              • Jun 2010
              • 255

              Originally posted by teeotee View Post
              Getting back to Langdell's question - personally i think Snus is the best way to feed the nicotine habit and we all know about the harm reduction side. I would imagine, depending on the situation most people would be able to cut back on smoking with snus, for many reasons, dicreetness, convenience, cost, etc. But then still enjoy an occasional smoke every now and then. I know i am
              Yes, and I'd say that switching from cigarettes to pipes for the smoking part is harm reducing in itself. Little anecdotal evidence--I just had a physical, including breathing test and EKG, and the doc said my lungs and heart appeared to be functioning perfectly, which I bet he wouldn't have expected to find in a 22-year cigarette smoker. (And another doctor I had to see recently was surprised to learn my age and that I "smoked"--he said I looked much younger than my age and that he finds that most of his "smoker" patients (he meant cigarette, of course) look much older than their age.) Not saying smoking a pipe is good for you, but, then again, who do you usually think of smoking pipes? Old men, of course.

              Anyway, I think it's a great thing that snus has reduced my smoking of tobacco and that so many of you have replaced cig smoking with snus and the occasional pipe! Thanks for all the responses so far, guys!


              • PipenSnus
                • Apr 2010
                • 1038

                There is very little medical research on pipe smoking. The vast majority of the studies focus on cigarettes. However, for decades pipe smoking was seen as less harmful, mostly because pipers rarely inhale. As for the studies that do exist, only in recent years have any appeared that indicate pipes are anywhere nearly as harmful as cigarettes. Most of those can be dismissed as having been biased by the influence of the anti-tobacco fanatics.


                • stubby2
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 436

                  There seems to be a recurring theme of ex-cigarette smokers taking up the pipe. I fall into that category.

                  Quit 40 years of cigarette smoking with snus in May 09 and went for a year completely smoke free. I uncovered some forgotten hand rolled cigars I had stashed away and had a few..... Mmm that was good. Didn't want to get into spending $5 plus on a decent cigar so picked up a few MM corncobs and some Carter Hall and I was off to the races. I never smoked a pipe before so there was a bit of a learning curve but it all worked out.

                  Fortunately it hasn't turned into an obsessive hoppy. That can happen with me sometimes. You won't find me with 50 briars and a closet full of tabacce. No more then 3 or 4 bowls a week and often less. Great thing about snus is it satisfies the need so I can smoke a pipe for the pure pleasure of it.


                  • PipenSnus
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1038

                    Originally posted by stubby2 View Post
                    Great thing about snus is it satisfies the need so I can smoke a pipe for the pure pleasure of it.
                    I said much the same thing when I discovered snus. Although, I must admit, I have about 20 briars, half a dozen cobs, 2 or 3 meerschaums, and a plastic storage bin full of pipe tobacco I'm aging.


                    • Langdell
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 255

                      Originally posted by Langdell View Post
                      Yes, and I'd say that switching from cigarettes to pipes for the smoking part is harm reducing in itself. Little anecdotal evidence--I just had a physical, including breathing test and EKG, and the doc said my lungs and heart appeared to be functioning perfectly, which I bet he wouldn't have expected to find in a 22-year cigarette smoker.
                      Another year of pipe smoking and snusing and another good physical, including heart and lung function. That's 23 years of daily pipe smoking, 4 years of snusing, no years of smoking cigarettes. My recommendation: if you want to enjoy tobacco without wrecking your health, pipes and snus appear to be reduced harm alternatives.


                      • Ansel
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 3696

                        Good one Langdell. I just had a lovely couple of bowls of Billy Budd in my Maplewood. Lovely.

                        Problem with snus is it's too easy to cut down on pipe smoking for me! I'd like to smoke my pipe more often sometimes but land up with a snus.


                        • LincolnSnuff
                          • May 2010
                          • 676

                          I initially moved away from cigarettes with the help of nasal snuff. I found that this did not totally eliminate my cravings for cigarettes, and then learned about snus from a popular snuff forum. After going through a couple of month long smoking phases while snuffing, I made a complete transition to snus. I have always enjoyed the occasional cigar, but they really are cost prohibitive if you want to smoke quality tobacco. This is what prompted me to pick up the pipe. The local B&M sells quality bulk pipe tobacco for about $4.50 per ounce. I recall buying two ounces of a Nightcap clone from the store owner and he remarked about the size of the bag I was getting for just $9 by saying, "Wow, that's a great tobacco value." Even if I smoke a bowl for an hour every night, two ounces will last me 3-4 weeks.

                          I am now paying a bit more for non-bulk tinned tobacco ordered online, but the cost still beats the heck out of cigars or cigarettes. I also find the wide variety of blends/flavors to be much more satisfying than cigars, which all seem to taste basically the same to me. Corn cobs are great for knock-around pipes (in the garage, while working in the yard, fishing, etc.) but nothing beats a good quality briar. I have a 7 day rotation of briars, all purchased for less than $70 as estate pipes on ebay (average cost about $40 per pipe). I am now done buying pipes, and have a collection that will last a lifetime if well cared-for. The key is to clean the stem and shank well with a pipe cleaner after every smoke to avoid the pipe going sour. Taking an extra 5 minutes to do this after each smoke reaps great rewards. I also dedicate certain pipes to latakia blends and others to Virginia/VaPer blends.

                          Pipe smoking is a great hobby with endless pipe/tobacco combinations, and I use it as a way to reward myself for not picking up the cigarettes. A great community and resource for the beginner can be found at:



                          • Darwin
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 1372

                            You are so right LincolnSnuff. Pipe smoking is far more an exercise in sensory enjoyment and connoisseur-ship than a mere act of smoking. It is by an extremely wide margin truly the ineffably tweedy and reflective Zen of tobacco enjoyment, far more so than cigar smoking as I judge it. The emotional rewards are much higher and the smugness quotient much lower than the status conscious pursuit of the pluperfect $50 virgin wrapped stogie.


                            • Nate5700
                              • May 2011
                              • 58

                              I wasn't a habitual smoker before but I would go through periods (usually for about a month, with 3 or 4 months in between) where I'd smoke 2 or three bowls from a pipe per week. Haven't picked up the pipe since I found snus, but part of that may be that the newness of snus still hasn't worn off for me, and I definitely think part of it is I haven't felt like cleaning a pipe!

                              I have every intention of still enjoying a pipe or cigar from time to time, but if tobacco is going to become a habit for me (which since it does so well helping me focus at work I'm sure it will) snus is my go-to product.


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