It comes after an inquest recorded an open verdict into the death of Terence Miller from Gateshead.
Mr Miller, who used large quantities of the substitutes, had suffered from a lung disease - severe lipoid pneumonia.
Dr Rob Allcock, who treated him at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, believes this could be associated with his use.
The "e-cigarettes" are battery-powered and contain a cartridge of liquid nicotine.
just what I thought....
even though there are various sorts of therapies, that involve inhaling... sometimes I use essential oil (eucalyptus,cinnamon,mint) for my sinuses to drain them... that doesn't mean large quantities of nicotine vapors are healthy for the lungs.
no Greensmoke is not the #1 rated anything , not comparable to cheap or chic etc , Just mass marketed to make you think that !!! they lie about the cartridges life and all , ask any ecig user that isn't a noob and they will tell you carts Suck !!
check out the ECF forum for info if you want to see
I have an ecig and went thru all the crap to get to the good stuff... Just like I found real snus!! If you are looking for a great easy way to try ecigs go right for the EGo Tank / B.. Just fill her up with some premo American Halo juice and enjoy.. A step up from that would be the mod by Super T Manufacturing.. Both have been shown to actcualy get you some nic unlike some of the cheap production models...
I do not get a great buzz from them though so I switched to snus and I and I am now 4 days off analogs.. All I could find locally is general but it's good stuff but I need more nic so I placed my first order thru northerner last Monday.
If I would have seen this site I would hve bought it thru snuson and taken advantage of the free shipping. I might just have to buy a bunch tomorrow before it ends..
Well, I for one stopped smoking with the help of e-cigs before I found out about snus. It is a good option for those who need to mimick smoking before they stop completely.
+1 e-cigs got me off of cigarettes, but it did get to be a pain - and i looked like a mad scientist with syringes, plain nicquid and flavors...
My wife just completed a year with the e-cig. She won't touch a real cigarette again, but loves to vape. It's probably been averaging about $35 monthly to keep her stocked with liquids, atomizers, batteries, etc. Beats the hell out of a pack a day at $5 a pack not to mention the health benefit. It's not for everyone, but based on this first hand experience with my wife who smoked for about 25 years I can say for sure that it works.
My wife just completed a year with the e-cig. She won't touch a real cigarette again, but loves to vape. It's probably been averaging about $35 monthly to keep her stocked with liquids, atomizers, batteries, etc. Beats the hell out of a pack a day at $5 a pack not to mention the health benefit. It's not for everyone, but based on this first hand experience with my wife who smoked for about 25 years I can say for sure that it works.
Awsome... I liked them as well but snus is on the loose in my house now. My big problem with ecigs is that I cant get the MAOI's with the e- juice. I tend to self medicate and snus has a litlle of everything I need. It also comes with a proven record of harm reduction so it's my choice for now. I would try the ecigs again when they find a way to plug in the missing alkaloids... Have her try some Halo juice... it's pretty good..
I'm an avid snuser, snuffer, now you can add vaper to the mix.. got this care package today and have been having some fun with it. I like it. I can do it at home and my wife can't smell a thing.
Funny thing with me and e-cigs. It was the first thing I tried in the way of harm reduction. Heard someone talking about it on the radio, did a bit of research over at ECF and bought some stuff. That was back in the spring of 2009. Long story short it didn't really work for me as i didn't quit smoking (though I did cut down). Found out about snus and within a few weeks I was off the smokes for good.
I hadn't touched my e-cig for over two years. Some months back i started messing around with it again and found I enjoyed it for what it was. I didn't need it anymore to quit smoking so I didn't take it so serious and have found that I do enjoy it.
I also got a hold of some WTA (whole tobacco alkaloid) e-liquid. This is liquid that has the minor alkaloids in it that regular e-liquid doesn't as that is straight nicotine. That stuff has a kick to it that blows away regular e-liquid. Read the links below to get a feel for what WTA is.