Okay so i think this has been touched on here before but what's the verdict? Is it safe?
This guy thinks so...
But as the Iolite runs on gas i think i'd prefer for health and safety's sake to use a battery powered vaporiser, which lead me to stumble on this book for sale:
This guy thinks so...
But as the Iolite runs on gas i think i'd prefer for health and safety's sake to use a battery powered vaporiser, which lead me to stumble on this book for sale:
Vapor The Art and Science of Inhaling Pure Plant Written by the inventor of the Vapir Vaporizer, this book is a must read for anyone who owns a vaporizer. Chronicling the history of smoking and vaporization, the different types of vaporizers, how they work as well as different herbs and their benefits when vaporized are all analyzed. What would you do if you could inhale the properties of any plant without the smoke? In Vapor: The Art and Science of Inhaling Pure Plant Essences, Cheyene introduces one of the most exciting technologies to emerge this century. Digital Vaporization holds the key to increased physical and mental health and well being for millions. This technology (DVT) offers a pure, concentrated method of fortifying the body with herbal supplements, it make's available vital medications formerly too difficult or expensive to widely administer, it decreases the individual and environmental hazards of smoking by greatly facilitating the cessation of this pervasive habit. You will see, these are only a few of the critical advancements made possible by DVT.