e cigs extremely deadly dont fool yourself

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  • slipmeamickyyo
    New Member
    • Apr 2012
    • 13

    e cigs extremely deadly dont fool yourself

    Im discusted this shit has been given out for free and even promoted on tv like fox news (surprise) as a completely safe vaporization product safe enough even for kids. Well well well i knew it-i was sent one for free an me my wife and friend took one puff and all agreed it taste like death. Surprise fda finds not only due they not vaporize they heat up too much not to mention the multiple carcinogens found in nic cartidges including the kind of glycol thats antifreeze (Nice!) Not to mentio fact your drawing heat through plastic theirbye inhailing plastic fumes Even if they vaped lke is claimed your inhailing all kinds of disease causing chemicals (again antifreeze) stay the **** away due your body a favor and smoke an organic smoke like AM or a nice cigar this is poison even according to fda
  • jimmeister
    • Apr 2012
    • 25

    I tried it once and I thought it tasted like death, too.
    Funny how when you think something's wrong, it usually is even if you don't know shit
    It's the same with regular smokes isn't it. I don't think any smoker ever didn't have that slight bad feeling afterwards when your head goes ''hey wait a sec... this isn't good for me''
    I didn't know they promoted these by sending em for free to people to try out. That's crazy.


    • precious007
      Banned Users
      • Sep 2010
      • 5885

      Welcome to Snuson -

      E-cig story is very similar to the "cigarettes story"

      cigarettes were once advertised by doctors

      you'd see ad spots with doctors recommending Camel non-filters - only 6 decades later doctors changed their mind, probably after 400 million death resulted from smoking....

      soo yeah....

      e-cigs give me insane headaches, I'm not sure what they contain but they give me headaches.


      • slipmeamickyyo
        New Member
        • Apr 2012
        • 13

        Thanks for the warm welcome! I love these forums. Personaly i agree i dont even smoke anymore cause ive always felt bad during and afterwards snuff and snus other hand have always felt "nice to my body" . If you want to know what they contain goigle ecigs and fda and YES theg have marketed them by sending them out for free like how i got mine and advertising them on major news tv stations as completely safe. Just the thought of the chemical in antifreeze is enough to make me puke. But the fda found multiple other carcinogens in cartridges and they are too hot to be considered vaporizers. Again even if they vaped proper and even if they removed the carcinogens your still inhaling plastic fumes. Im glad im not the only person that taasted death we need to get these banned (class action suit?) Thanks again for warm welcome i love snuff and snus andi feel like this is a great community peace and love


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          I can't support the ban of anything an educated consumer buys. I'm down with truth in labeling, and legitimate claims for and against specific products people may be interested in, but it should always be up to the individual whether they partake or not.

          I choose not to use technological "tobacco". I don't think it's especially bad for you, but the potential is there, especially with many supplies coming from China. My complaint is mainly with aesthetics. There's no art in Ecigs, nicotine gum, or patches. It's just a drug delivery system.


          • precious007
            Banned Users
            • Sep 2010
            • 5885

            technological "tobacco".
            it's more like technological nicotine, lmao

            no tobacco there, that's why it sucks :^)


            • Bigblue1
              Banned Users
              • Dec 2008
              • 3923

              I've never liked 'technological" alternatives. Won't touch aspertame with a 50 ft pole. About 5 months ago I was really thirsty and dragging a bit during the holidsy season. Walking thru the grocery store noticed a drink. It was labeled "all natural" I never drink these things but figured why not? Well upon first gulp I could taste the noxious chemical sweetener. I was pissed to say the least and turned the can around to scan The "nutritional" label. Low and behold aspaertame. WTF? Why wasn't it jabeled as such in a way I would notice? it's a joke. Now When I am considering a purchase of candy or drinks I always look at the calories first. If it seems to have a reasonable amount of calories for what it is I'll move forward if it says 10 or zero I go to the ingredient list.

              Oh and anyone remember Olestra in WOW frito lays. I believe the fake fat that we were all gonna love regardless of the anal leakage. My god the shit the "FDA" allows us to have........


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by Bigblue1
                Walking thru the grocery store noticed a drink. It was labeled "all natural" I never drink these things but figured why not? Well upon first gulp I could taste the noxious chemical sweetener.
                The same thing happened to me. I usually thoroughly read ingredient labels, but I saw some Irish sparkling water at BigLots. I was especially interested in the peach, and got the last 4 bottles they had. Well, it wasn't just flavored water like I expected. It was also sweet as shit, and full of aspertame. I was pissed at myself for allowing it to happen. I usually see past bullshit, but I allowed myself to be seduced by label appearance, and didn't check further. Same as you. It was marked as having natural flavor, and no calories. I KNOW that "no calories" is code for artificially sweetened, but it /looked/ like unsweetened seltzer I usually get, and it was Irish! :^S


                • Bigblue1
                  Banned Users
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 3923

                  Originally posted by lxskllr
                  The same thing happened to me. I usually thoroughly read ingredient labels, but I saw some Irish sparkling water at BigLots. I was especially interested in the peach, and got the last 4 bottles they had. Well, it wasn't just flavored water like I expected. It was also sweet as shit, and full of aspertame. I was pissed at myself for allowing it to happen. I usually see past bullshit, but I allowed myself to be seduced by label appearance, and didn't check further. Same as you. It was marked as having natural flavor, and no calories. I KNOW that "no calories" is code for artificially sweetened, but it /looked/ like unsweetened seltzer I usually get, and it was Irish! :^S
                  They are being purposely deceptive. And it makes you wonder why. I really think it is about getting us "the enlightened" to ingest the poison. Like I said if I'm in a hurry and want to know if it's safe or not I read the calorie line which is usually 1st. If it's got a bunch i'll drink it. I usually only drink water and beer but that isn't always feasible. So if I crave a bit of caffeine and sugar for a pick me up. I now make sure that is what I'm gonna get.....


                  • voodooman
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 255

                    Originally posted by lxskllr
                    I can't support the ban of anything an educated consumer buys.
                    i was getting ready to jump on him for that too.
                    i don't care the least what other people ingest if they are an "educated consumer" as you put it. "banning" something is almost always wrong.
                    i'm also right with you guys on the aspartame thing. pure poison. if i accidentally ingest even a little, (real easy to do) i get instant headache.


                    • voodooman
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 255



                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by Bigblue1
                        I drink some seltzer too, but I always by the regular and add some lemon or lime if in the mood. Oh and vodka sometimes......
                        Check out the water aisle next time you're at the the store. You can score store brands of flavored water for ~60¢ litre; orange is my favorite. It's just like soda, but no sweetness. If you go that route, be careful. Many times they have the crappy synthetic stuff close by, and they look similar. It's easy to grab the wrong thing.


                        • Bigblue1
                          Banned Users
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 3923

                          Originally posted by lxskllr
                          Check out the water aisle next time you're at the the store. You can score store brands of flavored water for ~60¢ litre; orange is my favorite. It's just like soda, but no sweetness. If you go that route, be careful. Many times they have the crappy synthetic stuff close by, and they look similar. It's easy to grab the wrong thing.
                          Yeah, I always by the store brand. Here it is .79 for a liter which is half of canada dry or Seagrams...... But yeah you gotta watch what you buy. They are for some reason trying to cram aspartame down our throats. Don't even get me started on "fluoridated" water. Which isn't even sodium fluoride it is a mess of chemicals. I'm just happy to have a well and septic with a r02. I hate the fact that we have to be so vigilant tho........


                          • Monkey
                            Senior Member
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 3290

                            Originally posted by lxskllr
                            I can't support the ban of anything an educated consumer buys. I'm down with truth in labeling, and legitimate claims for and against specific products people may be interested in, but it should always be up to the individual whether they partake or not.

                            I choose not to use technological "tobacco". I don't think it's especially bad for you, but the potential is there, especially with many supplies coming from China. My complaint is mainly with aesthetics. There's no art in Ecigs, nicotine gum, or patches. It's just a drug delivery system.
                            Plus one.

                            +1 is too darn short......


                            • SnusoMatic
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 507

                              i am glad that when i quit smoking i had not yet heard of ecigs. i had been quit long enough when i did hear of them that i decided that smoking them might lead me back to regular cigs. it seems like for me ecigs would keep me on hold until i slipped back. with snus it would feel wrong to smoke again. sure, its all in my head but thats what most of it is anyway.

                              far as are ecigs safe goes.... i am not smart enough to figure that one out. my gut instinct is that there are probably bad things that will come out later. i tend to agree with slipmeamickyyo that the plastic cant be good. common sense and years of street drug use tells me the nicotine liquid is not created equal. i bet there are some good clean liquid out there and i bet their is some that would gag a maggot if he knew what was in it.

                              i agree that adults with all their mind should be able to do pretty much whatever they want to do. at the same time we pay the FDA to do a job. Part of that job is to warn us of things that are being sold claiming "good" when in reality it is poison. most of us would agree that cigarettes are bad for a persons health. But lets say cigarette makers claimed smoking was as safe as breathing air. I would expect the FDA to let the cat out of the bag about that. if you want to smoke them i won't stand in your way but you should know it's bad for you.

                              i also think of the older person who has smoked so long that quitting seems impossible. ecigs are probably better for that person that a camel non-filter. so why not let them have ecigs?

                              with all that said, the government don't care about your or my health. they care if we pay taxes. there is no tax on ecigs as far as i know. so the cynical side of me says tax ecigs and the gov won't hinder their sales.


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