Tattoo. Only to learn that Yerba Matte Tea can mess with you ueric acid levels....something about gout. That other plants have some of the tobacco alkaloids as well. So yes. Thanks. Always the last one to know!
I used my cute pipe, cherry with bark, this evening with the Sweet Tea blend this evening. In the house. No inhaling ( kind tempting but not very) not supposed to in hale pipe tobacco. So no problem. Very low mild aftertaste. Not bad! Was busy long day. Needed something extra. It will do on ocassionally. Got the spice and nice and house best. My PM effort froze up on me. I couldn't continue. Wanted to say it was a success and I'm pretty honest.
Yes Boswells. The other two I don't care for as much. It's true sweet Tea leaves less tobacco taste in mouth and smells less pipe like. Glad to have it in the mix of things for variety and a little fun. I am in no danger of of inhaling or turning to ciggies again. It's just my thing anymore! Lot of whoopla about yuck IMO those ciggies
Now they are sellIng e cigs of Kratom for $19.99 disposable. Supposed to relax. Maybe mix nic with that huh? Not me though. Not at that price! It all started out looking for a substitute for smoking. So snus and nasal snuff are logical alternatives. Wondr what a pris of kratom would taste like, be like. It's herb
Just a little blog by the guy who was in on the ground floor for extracting WTAs for vaping purposes. Seems a little like just a safety net. To e but concludes here too that snus is probably safer. (. : have found snus, a safe easy way to avoid smoking.
I love snus but i would vape WTAs as well as use snus if i read that vaping WTAs was relatively harmless. Shame there doesn't seem to have been much in the way of in depth studies into it.
Actually I found Nicorette gum a safe easy way to not smoke if truth be told. When vaping came out I tried it to save money. Will be a bout two years just to break even but it's very possible, I'm well supplied. Vaping brought me to the WTA aspect of cigarettes. Possible FDA regulations and a couple run in to by accident posts on ecf by stubby brought me to snus. After all, natural is better and I find something very unnatural about sizzling red hot metal coils and all the stuff that it sizzles, even though I know it's safe compared to smoking. I get tired of vaping all the time and get, too wired and don't want to buy premade juice anymore. It's a rip off. Snus is at least 1/4 th the cost of buying WTA vape juice. It's more convenient and I don't need as much. 3-4 a day. I believe snuss and snuff to be as safe as vaping according to the groups that promote it as a smoking substitute and there are theories that it's safer than vaping. I'm hoping to discontinue a decades long use of antidepressant for the umpteenth time now I now longer drink (a depressant) over three years now and snus 3-4 times a day and snuff3-4 times a day. It really could be as simple as that, especially when considering qutting the alcohol! If I have a problem and need the medication I'll do it but why take something I might no longer need. Hard on liver, expensive for some ( was free for me) and some definite side effects...brain fog basically....or is that just me....I don't know anymore. opened my little can of worms with that question. I'm an open book. (. :
so I have found snus a safe easy way to avoid smoking, save money and possibly get offprescription anti depressants. Ad I actually prefer snuff, then Makla ( and Chema) and last snus. Everybody is different.
Originally posted by whalen have found snus, a safe easy way to avoid smoking.
Not about WTA although WTA extracts are supported by Casaa. It's just 5 posts the 5th or 6 th one being the best. Explained things nicely to this vaper who thinks e cigs are better than snus and things which of course we know is not true
I am absolutely certain that vaping WTA juices is a lot safer than smoking. I am also absolutely certain that using snus is a lot safer than smoking. Using them both together is safer than smoking. Using them both together whilst smacking your noggin repeatedly into a tree is safer than smoking. You see where I'm going with this.
Vaping and snusing do not need to answer to some idealized pinnacle of irreducible safety to be radically better courses of action than sucking tobacco smoke into our lungs. It's rather like the old joke about two friends who show up at a trailhead ready for a stout hike. One has rugged hiking boots on and the other has Nikes. Asks the boot wearer, "Why are you wearing such flimsy footwear on a rough trail like this." Answers the Nike wearer, simply, "Bears." Boot wearer says, "Even with those you can't outrun a bear you know." Nike wearer, "Don't have to outrun the bear. Only have to outrun you."
Vaping, WTAs, snus, snuff, what the heck ever we only really need to outrun the smokes to drastically improve the quality of our lives.[QUOTE=korilacy;521172]Where in the world can I buy whole tobacco alkaloid wta? I've looked everywhere...please help...aroma scents . Is this the place you say is closed?
Faylool, I have a question, and since it invoves Aroma WTA juice, I figure posting it here is cool. I have some food grade VG. I have a bottle of Aroma Mahalo 24mg WTA juice. I don't like the way they stronger nic juices irritate my throat, so I figured I would cut it in half with VG and make it 12 mg juice. The mix was a success. My issue is, now when I vape it, it hurts my chest. There is like a soreness in the middle of my chest/lungs when I vape this stuff. Any reason why? Ever experience that in you DIY? Thanks.
I've heard of that with VG. Cutting it in half is bit extreme. When I get a harsh DIY I do exactly want you did, ad VG with no nic. I'm not too concerned about how much nic so long as I don't loose throat hit. Usually somewhere around 18mg
but I don't know why. Why some people get that heavy feeling. Some people are more sensitive to others in all kinds of ways and I might experience a heavier feeling myself but it goes unnoticed or you might be having a mild allergy or a simple sensitivity. I know I don't like VG very much but it's needed and I won't go higher than 40% at the highest and if you went 50/50 on Mahalo, Mahalo is the Red Tail line and they are higher in VG than the Aroma flavors. It should say on bottle I believe. Did it work otherwise? I'm a newbie and probably for life re DIY because I vape what I make and just mess with it until its right. Oh I see, it was a success. Well, sometimes when I'm needing to cut a DIY mix I'm really wishing I had a bottle of o nic PG. if you check around there might be info on the existence of various qualities of VG but I think they are all the same but not sure. PG has some quality levels I'm pretty sure..but not completely sure. Clear as mud again for me!Ive noticed your posts are completely coherent, well thought out and accurate! Me trying to help you is kinda funny. (. :
God made two kinds of dogs in this world. You are either a lap dog or a scent hound.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Nasal Snuff. I hope you will find this Guide both helpful and informative. I have tried to pool together information and resources that I have collected over my time using snuff so that you can have them all in one place. ...
While watching the chat box not long ago I saw a comment that keeps haunting me regarding the safety of Swedish snus and that next to ecigs, it's the...