Originally posted by Faylool
Says snus and snuff best way to get WTAs....at very end
Back to the mixing station. I am actually going to order some 0 nic PG next time I need some things. Planning to add a few more flavors from Super Concentrate Gourmet from VAping Zone soon. I know they ad distilled water to VG e juices. They practically have to. Sometimes as much as 30% so you could play with that. Distilled water. But me, I just use water if something needs thinning, which is rare. I don't make big batches of stuff. I have well water. 0 chlorineThought of something else. Some flavorings are alcohol based. You can simmer that out of the e juice after you mix. It is harsh hit sometimes. I liked Mahaholo for a long time. I don't remember if it had alcohol base. I remember everytime I vaped it around people they always loved the smell more than another vape. Kinda made me like it more. It's a distinctive vape and I got tired of it. It's on my list for next time I get WTA but I'm waiting quite awhile this time. Snus does it for me and snuff, my favorite. I'm trying to budget my vaping! Now it's going to be about 4 years before ai break even on all my investments, but it's been a blast
Wow! What a Coincedense. A friend in Germanygot a free 10 ml sample of Mahalo ( I think because it's overseas Jerry sends sample for the higher shipping) and he doesn't like it. So I get it! 24 mg nic so I'll turn it into about 15 ml
nice surprise
Last time he sent me Snickerdoodle. Doesn't want the additive butter (diacytal?)