Very interesting Wa3zrm! Will do.
What Are You Vaping right now?
Using a "Vaper's Corner" brand watermelon juice from a local retailer. Exceedingly ordinary with a low taste intensity but not too off-putting. Ridiculously overpriced at $10 for 10ml, within spitting distance of Aroma WTA 10ml sizes. Of course it is retail B&M and allowances must be made but not that big of an allowance. Suitable as a juice drought backup only.
White Beard 100% VG 24mg from Velvet Cloud Vapor. Absolutely and completely terrible. Just bloody awful. Tastes like I think shoe polish might. I've let it steep for a month. No change. Bad in April, bad right now. Tried it in Vivi/ProTank/CE4 clearo with no diff. Might be my wonky tastebuds but I have two other flavors from them that are really terrific. I'm thinking it's a defective mix. Interestingly, but unsurprisingly, the vendor won't allow my negative review on their site. Hope the cheap vodka I bought can purge the wretched stuff from my new ProTank.