......on the Vapes & E-Cig Talk forum. If we get enough reviews I'll see what I can do to have a sub-forum put up for each of the three types of reviews. Go ahead and start a new thread for each brand/flavor/model you want to review. Also be sure to put a link to the site and page that has the E-juice/E-cig/Vaporizer you are reviewing. We may end up with a sub-forum for E-Cig review and another for E-Juice reviews and another for Vaporizers.....depending upon how many reviews end up here.
I'm very anxious to read your reviews. WTA juice reviews especially.
This Vape & E-cig forum is new. I think I have all the vape and e-cig threads moved here but if I missed any please let me or any of the mods know that you found a vape or e-cig thread in the wrong forum so we can move it to the proper forum. thanks
I'm very anxious to read your reviews. WTA juice reviews especially.
This Vape & E-cig forum is new. I think I have all the vape and e-cig threads moved here but if I missed any please let me or any of the mods know that you found a vape or e-cig thread in the wrong forum so we can move it to the proper forum. thanks