You wont be getting your WTAs out of soaking snus in PG /vG liguids and vaping them. Nor will there be the nicotine but if there is any nic its very low. Unless maybe you slosh your mouth with the stuff they use that makes those things available ( salt soda bicarb etc) pre every hit and hold the hit a looong time looong time. Or use the stuff they put in Makla pre vape. In anycase, they have exatracted and isolated WTAs and the corresponding from snus using that process and the comment was it was probably lowest in those tsna things. Capish? OK?
Homebrew Snus eJuice Anyone?
OK Faylool.. I'm not a biochemist or even just a chemist... but soaking any plant material in Vegetable Glycerin and/or Alcohol is suppose to release alkaloids and other compounds within the material into the liquid solvent! The suggested methodology requires the use of a liquid solvent to absorb all properties within the material. Length and and time to achieve this differs from material to material; however, this technique is suppose to be valid for all plant materials... even Cannabis! Can you provide a link that details otherwise?If you have any problems with my posts or signature
The ECF thread linked in CCC's last video post discusses those issues extensively and appears to conclude that, although flavor components can be absorbed, nicotine and other alkaloids do not transfer significantly. How the Red Pirate juice accomplishes this, if it actually does, is a good question. It certainly is highly doubtful that the 36mg Red Pirate concentration has any significant nicotine contribution from whatever "smokeless tobacco product" might be used for flavoring.
I dont KNOW anything but what i read and i read a lot. I read until im satisfied i got the info i want pretty much but i depend on smart people to do the figuring. I snus snus because to vape it after soaking it in pg/ vg wont work as far as all my reading has lead me to believe. But people do such extractions a lot for the flavor
you can be sure i checked this out because i dont like the idea i have to buy WTA to vape for it But thats why i started snusing, so i can diybregular low nic juice and save money and only supplement with WTA as needed, especially at night so i dont get too wired up before trying to getba good nights sleep. If im wrong ill be really surprised and itll make whole lot of documentation wrong. Maybe i misunderstood too!
What can one expect from soaking tobacco in various solvents (alcohol, PG, VG) to get some real tobacco flavor and/or nicotine?
As far as getting flavor, that's a pretty easy question. If you soak and get a result that you like (either as a liquid in itself or as a flavor additive to regular eliquid) and you don't mind the extra wear and tear on your attys, you've done good. (Assuming you accept that anything that involves soaking tobacco will be less "safe" than good clean regular e-liquid).
As far as getting an appreciable nicotine concentration, soak procedures are self-limiting. What I mean by this is simply that the more tobacco you soak (your nicotine source), the more solvent it's going to take to get nicotine to come out of the tobacco.
Here's a practical example:
You have 1 gram of tobacco. It's likely that this 1 gram of tobacco contains around 20 mg of nicotine. If you use 1 mL of PG to extract it, you could get as much as 20 mg/mL, right?
How much of the nicotine will come out? Maybe 50% if you're feeling generous, probably less. So now we're down from 20 mg/mL to 10 mg/mL. But what's this? When we add 1 mL of PG to 1 gram of tobacco, the tobacco just slurps up the PG.
So we add more PG, say 5 mL total. Now we've got some liquid on top to extract into.. but now we're putting that 10 mg nicotine (tops!) into 5 mL of PG, so we're down to 2 mg/mL and we've still made brown goo.
You see the problem?
Source: you have any problems with my posts or signature
If it werent for people like you who go to the trouble to share links and documentations i wouldnt have much to read to draw my conclusions from so thanks! Keep it up its great forum stuff. I like to get verification on as much as possible for my own purposes . I gave up a long time ago trying to influence what other people do beyond sharing what I do and why. Im aware there are lurkers , a lot of them, I was one, and they like to read some honest stuff and come to get answers. Mostly i get sources of places to go to read more. If i like it. I link it. Not to push it, just make it available. Youre good at finding things wa3zrm! And this kind of exploration makes the forum interesting?