Vaping on a Budget

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  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    I recently received these ejuices from goodejuice. These taste incredible! They blow away ALL the chineze juices I've ever tried. However, Goodejuice has crappy customer service. No replys to emails or phone calls.

    Patriot Tobacco eJuice
    Nicotine Strength - Low - 6mg

    Congo Craze eJuice
    Nicotine Strength - Low - 6mg
    PG/VG Base - 50/50

    Kryptonite eJuice
    Nicotine Strength - Low - 6mg
    PG/VG Base - 50/50

    Vita Bella Tobacco eJuice
    Nicotine Strength - Low - 6mg

    Vermillion River KY4 eLiquid (30mL)
    Nicotine Level - 5 mg

    I have a few others I haven't had a chance to try yet like the eVo Creme de' Menthol and the eVo Black Diamond Tobacco and more. I ordered all 6 mg nic this time and I am quite satisfied with that. I'll get my nic hit from snus and the great flavors from my ecig. Dam I love these. Thanks guays for your recommendations.
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • Paco
      • Dec 2012
      • 396

      Originally posted by Darwin
      Paco what were you and your friend's reactions to the Mount Baker juices? I like them very much for the most part, especially the sweet bakery flavors. MBV stuff usually improves with steeping but the Cinnamon Bun and Bananas Foster were superb right out of the box. Juices coming from China are not likely to need steeping since they have probably been mixed for some considerable time. It can take a great deal of scrambling around the juice market to find things one likes which is why motivation to quit the sticks is an important component of vaping in the beginning.

      I too have seen some of the folks I let try my rigs cough quite a bit at first but others just honked the vapor down with no ill affects. I never coughed when I started so it seems clear that it is a reaction that is as personal as taste is.
      I apologize for taking so long to respond to this but I simply didn't see it. My cousin and I love Mt. Baker and I have placed an order myself as well as received another order from Fasttech as yes I have started vaping myself. The Extreme Ice is awesome but the Afternoon Delight and Cinnamon Roll are just OK they haven't really produced a lot of flavor after steeping for a couple of weeks but the coughing was completely gone day 1 with Mt. Baker so I'm convince it was a preservative in the China juice or something. As soon as Wizard Labs gets their stuff back in stock I am going the DIY route for the both of us as its cheap as hell that way and I can control the flavor percentages. I've done tons of research and thank those of you here that helped me out.

      The only other question I have right now is I have like 5 CE"6" (might just be CE4+) and it seems like a lot of the time I'm just not getting enough vapor and I'm trying to take longer and harder hits but that doesn't really help either. This just happened with a clearo that I started using today. The others I have cleaned and dry burned (blew one out while dry burning which was pretty comical and scared the crap outta me) and although the burnt taste immediately went away it didn't really help in vapor production. Is it just cuz they are cheap as hell or is it a combination of them being cheap as hell and the fact my juices are 80/20? I don't think its the juice though cuz every once in a while it seems perfect and then bam it sucks again. It's not just the vapor production that lacks when this happens, it seems much less satisfying which again makes me think it isn't the high content of the PG...Any thoughts?

      Edit: I'm thinking about buying a bunch of these, think it will help cuz the resistance is less? No clue what the ones i have now are but I'm guessing they are over 3


      • Darwin
        • Mar 2010
        • 1372

        Ego style clearmizers have something of a reputation of being a bit variable from one unit to another. I have the same problems sometimes. What has been dead reliable for me are Vivi Nova tanks, mini or maxi, plastic or metal tanks, and they've been very consistent right down the line. They are more expensive but since their coil/wick assemblies can be changed out they should last a long time. I am particularly fond of the metal tank versions. Can't see how much is in them but they are very robust which is important if one is a bit on the fumble fingered side. There are lots of other choices out there but I could not be more pleased with how well the genuine Vision Vivi-Novas have served me so far.

        I didn't really answer your last question did I? The Vision CE4 clearomizers I have can not be disassembled so those FastTech coils can not be used in them. The CE4s sold by FastTech are either another story or the text in the ad is wrong about the coils. I am also skeptical that merely using a slightly lower resistance coil is going to make a big difference in vapor production with the high PG ratio juices you are using.

        One other thing. Since MBV custom mixes their juices you can tailor your order quite finely. If you'd like more vapor production increase the VG level. If you like a juice but the flavor seems a bit weak then you can order it again with one or two extra "flavor shots" to pump it up.


        • Paco
          • Dec 2012
          • 396

          Thanks Darwin, Mine are replaceable as well but of course they are plastic and pretty cheap. I think I'll go Vivi Nova down the line at some point because there are a bunch of flavors that I want to try eventually that aren't good for plastic tanks. If you get the time at some point let me know which Vivis you recommend on FT but for now I think I'm gonna see if they 1.8ohm heads do the trick. Will report back.


          • Darwin
            • Mar 2010
            • 1372

            Sorry but I have had no experience with any of the FastTech products. The Vivi Novas that I have are all from MY Vapor Store which carries the real deal and not the knock-offs. They are certainly not anywhere as low priced as FastTech versions but for me the reliability and good performance has been worth it. So far I have ordered four metal tank Mini Novas, one metal large Vivi Nova, and one plastic tank Mini. Every one is working extremely well and all are chuffing out copious clouds of vapor--even on my 650 Ego-C battery.


            • Paco
              • Dec 2012
              • 396

              It's cool I think I'm gonna try a few of these at some point the price is to good to pass up because the CE6s are like 70 cents less lol. I am definitely going to try these though Vapor Joe mentioned that the EVODs on FT were good and I found this cheap as hell 5 pack by accident. It's like 2.52 each and you get a free bottle and bag haha. The replacement coils are $4.05 for 5. Now that's Vaping on a budget!

              Am definitely considering this at some point as well my only question with that is anyway know if you can use any 18650 battery with mods, especially this one? They are real cheap on ebay. Of course I know you should always use higher quality batteries just like those Enloop nazis state but I'm just wondering if I can use these safely without blowing myself up


              • Darwin
                • Mar 2010
                • 1372

                I have a couple of those Ultrafire batteries and they appear to have a protection circuit board in them so they might be relatively safe to use. What they most definitely do not have is a 4500mah capacity. It's more like half that but that's actually more than enough. They will probably work okay, as will the charger, but under no circumstances leave those batteries on that charger unattended, period. It's not a good idea in general to leave batteries unattended with any charger but it's critically important for very inexpensive ones.

                The mech mod you linked to should work okay but of course you cannot adjust the voltage on it so varying resistance coils are going to work somewhat differently. Mechs are preferred for very low-res vaping with rebuildable atomizers but I suggest you not get off into that swamp without quite a bit of experience under your belt. By low-res I mean coils lower than about 1.5 ohms.


                • Paco
                  • Dec 2012
                  • 396

                  Good stuff and I know exactly what you mean about the 4500 I have a bunch of AAA that say they are 1800 ya OK! They also charge extremely hot and have melted a charger leaving it unattended so learned that they hard way. If I go that route with the mod I'm guying to get some 1.8s and 2.0s and worry about the 1.5s later. I think the 1.8s and 2.0s should be enough as long as the batteries actually are around 3.7 and hell if they are I'll buy a 4.2 batter for $1.5 because they sell those too lol.


                  • Darwin
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 1372

                    Most 18650 batteries will charge up to 4.2 volts but they come down to about 3.7 from that peak fairly rapidly and then stay at the 3.7 mark for a while before beginning to taper rapidly off. The better batteries will tend to stretch out the time they can output 3.7 volts. Most, but not by any means all, batteries have protection both against overcharging and draining dangerously low. In a regulated mod, like a Vamo for instance, the mod will just shut down at a predetermined point to avoid overdraining the batteries, usually about 3.2 volts. A mech will not do that and so a bit more care should be taken to not use a battery until it's only just barely firing the coil.


                    • Paco
                      • Dec 2012
                      • 396

                      Got it, thanks. So do the ones that say 4.2 start around 4.5 or is it just a marketing ploy.


                      • Darwin
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 1372

                        No they pretty much all start at 4.2 fully charged. 3.7 is a nominal figure because that's the level where the battery spends most of it's useful life. So in general when you see reference to a 3.7 device, or a 3.7 unregulated device it just means that the device, all mechs fall into this category, has no electronics to increase/decrease or in any way regulate the battery voltage. Mechs became popular because, with the right type of high-drain batteries, they can successfully be used with very low resistance coils that the electronics of regulated devices will not allow. Mechs have become almost a fashion statement now since relatively few are using them with ultra-low res coils, as low as .3 ohms in some cases, that hot rod vapers sometimes use.


                        • Paco
                          • Dec 2012
                          • 396

                          .3 wow I can't even begin to imagine that jeez. You my friend are really a big help. I'm annoyed by my ego so that is why I'm considering the mod and obviously have very little money to spend. On a side note did you see that FT is now carrying Ego-C Twists Wish this was available when I ordered mine. Sorry if it seems like I'm pimping fast tech but if it wasn't for them I don't think I could afford to do this lol.


                          • Paco
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 396

                            So I discovered this little butt I mean passthrough. I think this might be a better option for me then a mod at this point. I do all of my vaping at home so it's really a win win. It comes to around $13 after shipping and coupon VJP. Sorry if this is old news but I just discovered these things existed lol.


                            • Darwin
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 1372

                              Hey PPeeps. Don't know if you've noticed but Boba's is on sale at AVE for $13.86 for 30 mils. Seems to be no stocking issues at this particular point in time.


                              • Premium Parrots
                                Super Moderators
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 9759

                                thanks mate.....I'm ordering now.
                                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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