I placed an order on the 11th, they got it in the mail on the 15th, it finally got thru the first sorting facility in Hong Kong today, the 17th. I'm sure it will be at least another week. It wouldn't be so bad if they would ship the same day or next day. Glad I only ordered xtra clearomizers and don't need them atm.
They finally shipped mine out today but are going to ship out the charger in another order for whatever reason LOL. Let me know when you get yours PP just out of morbid curiosity seeing how we placed the order the same day. Oh and you're probably going to get a spam email from me, my yahoo account got hacked and they emailed everyone in my sent folder. Sorry don't click the link and just delete it. I changed the password and delete the sent folder so you shouldn't get any more.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
My order from Fasttech is in California!!!!! Should be only 2 days more to get it.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
received my order yesterday the 21st. The shipping was pretty fast from china as long as Fasttech will get it the package in the mail in a timely manner. Got exactly what I needed dam cheap.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
My SVD is arriving from Fasttech tomorrow shipped the 18th ordered the 12th. I'm going to use it in short mode I THINK. I'm going to wrap it in glove leather ( removable ). I use all my mods part time so short mode is a luxury I can afford. Battery dies, pick up another mod. I have different mods all day long with different juices. Some with mild nic. Some with strong. Different flavors. Some with excellent throat hit some with zero throat hit ( my least favorite but it happens and I adapt for that batch) They have eRoll in black at Fasttech Premium Parrots when your ready to try hands free little guys! Heh heh
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
OK guys FINALLY got the order in from FastTech yesterday. Just a reminder I ordered my cousin the EGO-V with CE6 clearomizers and I forgot to mention added 30ml of Liqua 18mg Menthol just cuz it was so cheap but still plan on going to the local shop to get another flavor for him. Anyway he was coming over tonight for a party anyway so instead of waiting until his birthday in August I figured I'd just give it to him now. We literally just opened everything attached the clearomizer to the battery opened the ejuice, popped the top of clearo, inserted the juice to the top (near 1.6ml) and were ready to go. I was very careful to make sure not get any liquid in the center hole of the ce6 although he claims his buddy told him if he ever gets an ecig make sure to put a few drops down the center hole when using it the first time. That didn't really sound right to me based on what I've read so we didn't. He put mouth piece in his mouth and pushed the button inhaled and couldn't stop coughing lol. Like I said he smokes about 2 packs on regular cigs a day so it was kinda interesting. After calling him an idiot I said don't inhale it like a cig draw slowly into your mouth then let the vape go into your lungs and exhale through your nose and or mouth (as this is what I've read). He tried it again doing what I said and still coughed but not as bad. He also said it didn't taste very good at all and made me try it. I have no intention of picking up vaping at this point and am going to stick to snus but I gave it a shot. I didn't inhale it like a cig and took a 3-4 second draw like soda through a straw and after a couple of seconds let some vape go into my lungs. It felt like someone had hit me in the chest and I started coughing although I felt like I did it right. We both took attempted it about 4 more times and any time any vape got into our lungs it felt less then pleasant. By the third time I was not letting any vape into my lungs and simply holding the vape in my mouth for 5 seconds or so before slowly exhaling. This didn't hurt but I didn't experience any nicotine pleasure from it and the vapor itself had a very slight taste of menthol but tasted nothing like I expected it to and I wasn't impressed at all. My questions are basically is this experience normal for first timers, have we done something wrong, does the liquid usually taste like a weird vapor/smoke taste with a very slight hint of flavor? I almost feel like the clearo may be burned already as like I said we almost taste no flavor but I don't know how we could have burned it. I let the liquid soak into the wicks and turned it upside down to try to get it to touch every part of the clearo its supposed to. He said he will give it a fair go and was very happy with the gift but I'm pretty concerned that something is wrong here. Didn't want to start a new thread and this probably belongs in vaping for beginners or something but as I have primarily used this thread for my vaping questions I thought I'd continue. SO any thoughts or suggestions cuz I got nothin. Anyway time to start drinking, thanks in advance.
It doesn't sound like burning really because that is pretty much a god awful unvapeable. A lot of people cough when starting vaping. I did not. It goes away. I found most premade e juice weak and unsatisfying and clearomizers dont help it. Sounds pretty status quo. Where theres a will there's a way. Some things take getting used to. 2 minutes is about how long it supposed to take for feeling nic. I think it's much shorter. French inhale over the lip into nose will give a faster nic hit. Most the nic is absorbed in nose...80% I read somewhere. Then mouth and last lungs
It doesn't sound like burning really because that is pretty much a god awful unvapeable. A lot of people cough when starting vaping. I did not. It goes away. I found most premade e juice weak and unsatisfying and clearomizers dont help it. Sounds pretty status quo. Where theres a will there's a way. Some things take getting used to. 2 minutes is about how long it supposed to take for feeling nic. I think it's much shorter. French inhale over the lip into nose will give a faster nic hit. Most the nic is absorbed in nose...80% I read somewhere. Then mouth and last lungs
Thanks Fay, I'll let him know what you said. He told me today it tastes a little better so maybe it needs to steep or whatever.
After doing some digging I realized that Mt. Baker Vapor has a free shipping coupon for first time customers (coupon code: FREESHIPPING) with no minimum basically. Told my cousin and he ordered Extreme Ice 24mg 80PG/20VG and cinnamon roll same attributes. I was trying to convince him to get afternoon delight cuz I love Pina Colada flavors and really want to try but he was hesitant. After finding out you supposedly get a free sample of something else if your order is over $15 I convinced him to get it lol. Sweet for me but I hope I don't like it toooooo much haha. I also made him get an extra flavor shot in each one cuz our experience with the liqua was so weak. SO who knows maybe this will work cuz yall seem to like mt. baker from what i have read. Either way it was cheaper then the local shop by about $3 a bottle and free shipping so success. I wasn't to sure what to go with for him as far as the PG VG but the liqua i think is the same so lets just hope he, or me for that matter doesn't end up with a PG allergy.
Paco what were you and your friend's reactions to the Mount Baker juices? I like them very much for the most part, especially the sweet bakery flavors. MBV stuff usually improves with steeping but the Cinnamon Bun and Bananas Foster were superb right out of the box. Juices coming from China are not likely to need steeping since they have probably been mixed for some considerable time. It can take a great deal of scrambling around the juice market to find things one likes which is why motivation to quit the sticks is an important component of vaping in the beginning.
I too have seen some of the folks I let try my rigs cough quite a bit at first but others just honked the vapor down with no ill affects. I never coughed when I started so it seems clear that it is a reaction that is as personal as taste is.
I won't post the whole thing, but everyone should read this. Feds were forced to release how they spent the bailout money and the outcome is amazing and...
I decided to do an experiment and vape exclusively for a few days. Needless to say, I ended up breaking down and buying a tin of snus. Even though it...
Sorry, I couldn't help it! Yeah, the headline spins it as cutting the budget by $100 bil, but that would still leave a $1.19 tril deficit. I guess it's...