Vaping on a Budget

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  • Darwin
    • Mar 2010
    • 1372

    Lo and behold I think I may have stumbled onto something before Vapor Joe did. New dual-coil V2 style clearomizers from Madvapes:

    Can be disassembled and easily cleaned. 1.8 ohms so possibly a good choice for a fan of both clearomizers and 3.7 or true VV devices. May not be optimum for small ego batts though.


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9758

      Other than the higher price of those in the link what would be the difference between those and the Iclear 16? Nothing I would guess.... possibly 0.2 ohms and the Iclear 16 have 4 REALLY long wicks.

      Vision, 1.8 ohms
      Iclear 16, 2.0 [up to 2.2 ohms depending upon what site lists them]

      I've been using the Iclear 16s on that cheapo VV battery and they work really well.
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • CCC
        • Mar 2013
        • 41

        Coupon code CPASTE13SPRING​ at fasttech


        • Paco
          • Dec 2012
          • 396

          Originally posted by Darwin
          Rockiest of the rock bottom pricing on the eGo clone kit: It's Fasttech, China cheap, but so are the others above. Nine whole bucks. From the chatter on ECF Fasttech actually has a fairly good rep although shipping is a bit slow as it comes from Hong Kong. Update. I mispoke. Cheaper yet. Getting ridiculous.
          Not sure if I would want to start vaping as I haven't smoked anything in years but I am curious about this. So if I bought this for $8.28 what would I need to go with it just ejuice? I know very little about vaping but I'm pretty sure my roommate has the same model he bought locally with 2 batteries and wall charger for like $90 lol. Do I need cartomizers to go with it and how long do they last and what the hell do I buy, sorry.


          • Darwin
            • Mar 2010
            • 1372

            Bad idea man to start vaping if you don't have a serious smoking problem. If you can handle your nic cravings with the snus you are currently using please do so. Your choice of course but think hard about it for a while and then ask again if you decide you just absolutely gotta vape.


            • Paco
              • Dec 2012
              • 396

              Thanks for the advice I'll probably just stick with the snus.


              • Faylool
                • Dec 2012
                • 496

                Vapor4life has there Zeus on sale plus free shipping. Think its good all weekend for memorial day. The kit or just the battery. I havent seen it in person but its 5 volt automatic with 3 gaskets that prevent leaking into battery so i can drip an atty or drip a carto either one and not worry too much about killing the auto battery. Im actually thrilled because auto is half the reason I love and recommend eRolls. But you cant drip eRolls. Ill be using kanger cartomizers 3.00 ohm because they are horizontal coil ( bottom) and have been working better than boges vertical coil for me. Its an 808-1 so any 808 except 2 will fit and 901s


                • Darwin
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1372

                  Both Phil B. and Nick G. have reviewed the Zeus and both found it very pleasant. Love the name Vaper4Life has for their fat cartos, the Smileomizer. Bit on the pricey side though.


                  • Faylool
                    • Dec 2012
                    • 496

                    P. Busardo actually found the battery outstanding. I just finished watching it. I think my kanger cartos will look funny on first but ill get used to it and maybe cover it with an atty sleeve if i can make it fit. Will be time to play. I do wonder how many recharges ill get out of it. The memorial day sale price is about right


                    • Darwin
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1372

                      Pro Tank has been knocked off. Surprised it took them this long.


                      Not quite available yet but my guess the FastTech price will be in the ten dollar or less range. How long could it be in the industrial espionage cesspit that is China that something will be knocked off before the original product ever comes to market?


                      • Darwin
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 1372

                        For the skinflint low-res clearomizer contingent:



                        • Darwin
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 1372

                          Well I decided to put my limited money where my mouth is. I took a flier and order this from Smoke Revolt:


                          Just got it in. Plugged in a charged up 18650 and am vaping happily away. It looks and feels a lot nicer than than it appears in the rather poor pic on the Smoke Revolt site. Looks like it's stainless steel, feels very solidly built, nice satin finish, well vented bottom cap, and a good clicky button. On top of all that it will take any 510 device plus any ego threaded setup including the Kanger Evod. Using the clever little eGo skirt cone that I got to use with Vivi Novas on my eGo batt. along with a long tapered drip tip make this thing look very smart. Who knows how long it'll keep working but my word for a lousy 18 bucks it's nearly a disposable item. Tube mods just don't come any cheaper and darn few look much nicer.


                          • Paco
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 396

                            Originally posted by Darwin
                            Rockiest of the rock bottom pricing on the eGo clone kit:


                            It's Fasttech, China cheap, but so are the others above. Nine whole bucks. From the chatter on ECF Fasttech actually has a fairly good rep although shipping is a bit slow as it comes from Hong Kong.

                            Update. I mispoke. Cheaper yet. Getting ridiculous.

                            Ok so like I said I took your advice and am sticking to snus. My cousin however smokes almost 2 packs a day and will not switch to snus no matter how much I try. He hasn't tried vaping yet because his reasoning is it costs too much to get started which doesn't make any sense cuz cigs are like $9 a pack here in CT. I'm thinking I'll just buy one of these for him because his birthday is in August and make it look like I spent like $100 on him lol. Now to the help I need because my head hurts after looking a bunch of places on the web. I realized that these are basically EGO's like you said, I'm guessing EGO-C's and there are a few EGO-T's listed. I saw the $14.99 starter kit that has the 650mah battery that I'm guessing is basically the same as these except smaller and less power. In the video on that site (sorry the link is in this thread somewhere on page 4) the guy shows how the battery is adjustable between a green, red, and blue setting of about 2.5v to 4v or whatever. Because fasttech sucks as far as describing things (no surprise for a foreign company) would you guys be willing to say that the EGO batteries that are listed also have the same function? It says fixed on the site but who knows really. I'm looking at the black 1100mah one for $9.04 that says CE5 2 in 1 although it says CE4+ in the link lol. There's really no difference between the 650 900 and 1100 mah except size and how long they last right? I don't care if it's actually a CE5 or just a CE4+ clearomizer cuz I can buy him a couple replacement CE4's all the way up to CE6 correct? There is an eshop in the next town over and the mix their own ejuice. The prices are competitive to the sites you guys are mentioned so I'll buy him 3-4 10ml to see what he likes and hey they are local. Just making sure he'll have everything he needs, the kit with EGO C or T plus a few extra CE4-6 clearomizers and juice. Anything else I need to know? Thanks in advance for any and all help.


                            • Faylool
                              • Dec 2012
                              • 496

                              No. Not same function. That is called Variable Volt and the $8 to $10 sealed packages with charger are unregulated. Different kinds of Variable Volts. The one you describe is really adequate if it goes to 4.2 volt. Some adjust in .5 volt increments, cost more and others, like the one you described does 3 or 4 different settings. I have one and it's a keeper for certain times. As long as I can get my 4.2 volts I can have a better experience vaping with quite a number of delivery devices and different e juices.


                              • Darwin
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 1372

                                Paco you're right that clearomizers all do the same thing but some types may be disassembled and others cannot. The CE4s, the most common type, cannot be disassembled but they can be rinsed and cleaned out a few times until they stop working or get so crudded up they start to taste bad and must be thrown away. CE4s are generally the cheapest as well and FastTech usually has the cheapest of the cheap prices. The milli-amp-hour (mah) ratings indicate relative usage duration of course and there are a few differences among the large number of units available but they all have the same type of connector and basically do the same sort of thing. Variable voltage settings, the resistance of "atomizers", and the size and type of batteries are things that will sort themselves out as a new vaper explores the vast and complex world of the electronic cigarette.

                                Normally the larger the battery the more adjustability it will have but regardless they do not have the flexibility that more advanced units have. This is not a problem for the beginning vaper really. Typically available retail juices will usually work fine in any sort of battery/clearomizer combination but the choice of juices is the knottiest issue for any new vaper. Just as with snus a good deal of casting about and sometimes frustrating trial and error is usually needed to find something that works to help one stay off the cigs and has an acceptable taste profile.

                                It is a very nice and highly laudable gesture for you to give your friend a starter kit but he/she needs to be fairly well motivated to stop smoking for vaping to have a chance at ultimately working out well for them. Younger folks who are not yet experiencing the negative physical effects of smoking frequently do not have the level of motivation that breeds success so I would not be too disappointed if your friend does not take to it with enthusiasm. At least you would be giving them a leg up in their starting phase compared to how so many start out which is with the many overpriced and underperforming types of "cigalike" versions that disappoint so many people and can actually hinder the progress of a prospective vaper. Vaping is not an exact substitute for smoking but like snus is rather a far safer method of nicotine delivery that must be approached on its own terms. If they perservere they will find that vaping can be a very rewarding and pleasurable activity in its own right but getting a beginner past the initial stages is anything but a slam dunk. Good luck.

                                From everything I read FastTech has the best prices and decent service but delivery times can be as long as a couple of weeks. Their free shipping helps take a bit of the sting out of that issue though. As always questions are welcome.

