That battery should work with that charger. All together I can think of a lot worse ways to get someone started than with the separate VV battery and charger setup. Well worth the couple extra bucks I'd think over the blister-packed version. CE6 clearomizers are usually the kind which can be disassembled which makes cleaning a lot easier. Even if this particular version can't be disassembled it's hardly a big deal with them costing less than two bucks each. Use one until it starts to taste burnt or funky and then pitch it.
Vaping on a Budget
one of the suppliers should have this in the 900mah and the 1100mah version. They are variable volt and work really well. In the link below those are 650 mah and I only need to charge mine every 4 days or so. But I use it mostly in the evening. My wife has had hers for 2 weeks and finally charged it last night.
Ok I have a question for the pros. That kit above comes with 1.80 ohm clearomizer. I'm picking up 3 kits. I need to get about 12 or so cheap clearomizers for my friends. Should I bother to get the 1.80 or is 2.20 or 2.40 ok? Which would be better. I might use the new clearomizers with the Itaste VV as well. Itaste recommends 2.0.
and sucks having to buy the VV version from myfreedomsmokes but I searched the fasttech site for hours and they don't have that short battery in a VV version. So I have to place an order with both MFS and fastech. Sucks. but at least I'll get some american made juice from MFS while I'm at it.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
For a heavy vaper the 1.8 res versions might affect battery life a little bit. That's into what is known as low res territory but only barely. The 2.2 should be fine but the 2.4s might need a bit more zap than a 650 batt can supply, at least for very long. The safe choice is probably the 2.2 but you might try one on your own rig before buying a bunch of them.
I've been successfully useing the Iclear 16's @2.0 ohms on both the Itaste VV and that cheapo kit and they work great. What I need is a few cheapo clearomizers to give out with these cheapo kits to my friends. Fasttech has these @ 2.4 to 3.6
and these @2.4
and these that they don't give a resistance for
Ironically the 6 pack is cheaper per clearomizer than the ones in the other 2 links. So something is up with that...I think. These would be for the cheapo kits that come with a 1.80 ohm clearomizer.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I'd stay away from the first one since the resistance as stated is all over the map. The last two appear to be 2.4 which should be acceptable. Keep in mind that if you actually measured these inexpensive clearomizers there would probably be somewhat of a spread among the lot. For a new vaper that won't matter.
the clearomizers in my last link, the 10 pack, are the exact same size as the clearomizers that come with the cheapo kit. And even all the detail looks the exact same. The 3 links offer different length clearomizers. Tho the resistance isn't stated but I bet its on the lower side, probably 1.8 ohm. Looks like a weiner to me for those cheapo kits.
and another question from the p-nut gallery. Itaste offers and mentions
iClear 16 2.0 ohm is for VV/VW device
iClear 16 1.5 ohm is for non-vv devices, such as eGo, lea, leo, etc.
why would the vv device need the 2.0 or more? Would I harm the Itaste battery if I would continuously use the 1.5 ohm. not that I would use 1.5 but I would like to use some of the 1.8's that I'll probably pick up for the cheapo kits. They are throw away so I really don't care about cheap clearomizers and the cheapo kit comes with 1.8 so it has to work well for that.
btw, I've read a lot of reviews on the iclear 16's and most people say they are the next best thing to a tank. I like small so I think I made a good decision buying the Iclear 16s to begin with.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
PP just one thing to note as I spent hours searching through FT's site also. The multi packs seem to be all over the place with Ohms as it says but from the reviews if you buy the translucent one for example you are probably getting between 2.4 and 2.6 so just something to think about. I mean obviously I know jack but I'm just letting you know that people that have bought them have measured them in the reviews and they are much further apart in the multis. Also I know you said that you couldn't find a 650mah VV did you mean the full blister pack? Cuz they do have this
Originally posted by PacoPP just one thing to note as I spent hours searching through FT's site also. The multi packs seem to be all over the place with Ohms as it says but from the reviews if you buy the translucent one for example you are probably getting between 2.4 and 2.6 so just something to think about. I mean obviously I know jack but I'm just letting you know that people that have bought them have measured them in the reviews and they are much further apart in the multis. Also I know you said that you couldn't find a 650mah VV did you mean the full blister pack? Cuz they do have this me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Originally posted by Premium Parrotsbtw, I've read a lot of reviews on the iclear 16's and most people say they are the next best thing to a tank. I like small so I think I made a good decision buying the Iclear 16s to begin with.
PP you wouldn't harm the batteries in your Itaste with 1.5 res coils but you will drain them down pretty fast. Given that you are such a light vaper it's likely they won't cause any problems. This whole resistance business can get darned confusing with several different camps of enthusiasts. One one end you have the super low res crowd that swears by coils that can be as low as .2 ohms and require super high-drain batteries and at the other end there are folks who lust after high res coils, 3 to 5 ohms, and high voltages to run them, as much as 7-10 volts. In the big happy middle is everyone else.
Thanks Darwin. I just got finished placing a fasttech order for the package of 10 of the cheapo clearomizers for about $15. They weren't marked at all as far as the resistance goes so they are what they are. I believe they are in the 1.8 range because they are identical to the clearomizer that comes with that cheapo kit at MFS...which a just ordered 3 of as well. And thats what they will mostly be used with when I give these to my friends to get started with.
Yea it sure can get confusing. I have a pretty good handle on things now but every once in a while I can't find the answers I'm looking for.
Now to see how long it takes fasttech to get them to me from china.
Thanks.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Behold the world's cheapest mod, the plastic Bolt:
This is likely to be on the fragile side despite what the short blurb says, it is plastic after all, but at the price can be considered essentially disposable. Until it breaks it should work just as well as regular Bolts and I can't say enough good things about those. This deal is a reefer from which is like Vapor Joe's younger prettier sister.
Just saw this referred from gotsmok:
I just recently retired and consequently I'm spending even more time at the computer than usual so this could save a whole lot of battery life. Couldn't use a super low res coil with something like this but 1.5 and up should be no problem. I have an eGo 650 passthough setup but I don't leave it plugged in all the time because I'm nervous about overcharging the battery. The FT price is about half or less than what others charge.
I visited that site you linked Darwin and found the Innokin SVD not in a kit for $40-ish free shipping and of course it was Fast Tech. I have passed on co op and sales itch percents off I can't count but to finally find one not in a kit for such a low price! I had to. So thanks for posting link. You saved me no ess than $35-ish. Oh, and it's a back up to my Vamo I got last fall so it's ....justified? I will wrap it in glove leather and dangle feathers and a chiming bell of it. I seriously have...oh wait...I do want an auto vv. vapr4life sells them. No hurry. Need to check the reviews.... See what an addiction I have developed? And I not vape part way. I snus and snuff too. My, I am very needy I think!
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